With Nothing Else Left, Liberals Are Demanding A Military Coup To Get Rid Of Trump

For three and a half years, liberals have thrown everything they could think of at President Trump to remove him from office. There were recounts, an Electoral College revolt that never happened, the Russian collusion witch hunt, and the sham impeachment. Liberal rejoiced when the coronavirus hit and tanked the economy, but the overblown pandemic hysteria is winding down and the left is worried it won’t do Trump in. With nothing else left and Joe Biden their only hope, liberals are demanding a military coup to take out the President.

This pathetic call for a coup is lead by Hollywood Resistance TDS sufferer Rob Reiner who thinks former presidents are on the same page as his insanity:

Meathead thinks George W. Bush and Barack Obama have the power to remove Trump from office in the same thought that he accuses the President of suffering from mental illness. Trump Derangement Syndrome is a recognized psychiatric condition and Rob Reiner gots it bad.

Obama lacked the motivation to do anything while he was president, so what are the chances he’s going to get off his lazy ass and commit an act of treason? Obama doesn’t do anything unless there’s money involved and even then, he’d prefer to do nothing. Upon leaving the White House almost 4 years ago he was paid a gazillion dollars to write a book and he still hasn’t delivered.

Reiner called on former ineffective presidents to take Trump out but he left out another still living White House occupier: Jimmy Carter. As luck would have it, Crater’s former speech writer is also clamoring for a military coup. Check out this tweet from Crater speech writer Hendrik Hertzberg:

See, liberals think if they phrase things in the form of a question it excludes them from liability. Time for someone to kick Hendrik Hertzberg in the nuts? Time for someone to take a giant shit on Hendrik Hertzberg’s bed? See, I’m not saying people should do these things, I’m just wondering if we have reach the point where these actions are necessary.

For the record, Hertzberg wrote Jimmy Carter’s infamous “Malaise Speech” in which the former president told all Americans they suck and were responsible for the crappy economy he spearheaded.

This flurry of sedition comes on the heels of MSNBC demanding that Joe Biden form a shadow government to overthrow the Trump administration and former Obama “Muslim guy” Dean Obeidallah screaming for Trump to be arrested and removed from office.

So what exactly is behind all of this? Well, as you know, nothing happens organically on the left, they take their marching orders from a central liberal authority. Clearly the liberal overlords have figured out that Joe Biden doesn’t stand a chance of beating Trump in November, what with his senility and rapey baggage. With no hope of an election to take Trump out and all other efforts coming up blank, they are left with the wet dream of a military coup.

Russian collusion and Ukraine quid pro quo were stupid ideas so a military coup isn’t actually any dumber. It’s going to return the exact same results as all other efforts to get rid of Trump (4 more years) which means liberal technicians are hard at work for the next idiotic thing. My bet is they will try to train orcas to assassinate the President, they just need to work on getting Trump to visit Sea World.