Joe Biden Has Liberals Admitting: Believe All Women Doesn’t Mean Believe All Women

The coronavirus has exposed liberals as totalitarian fascists and Joe Biden’s sexual assault scandal has shown them to be raging hypocrites. The #MeToo movement, which spawned the “Believe all women” movement is pretty simple: when a woman makes an allegation of sexual assault, she is to be believed. Period. But now that Joe Biden has been accused, that period has become an asterisk that women accusing democrats are not to be believed. Biden literally has liberal feminists saying, “Believe all women doesn’t mean believe all women.”

Tara Reade, a former staffer working for then-Senator Biden alleges that in the early 1990’s Creepy Joe kissed her and finger-raped her against her will. Her story has some solid corroborating evidence, plus Joe Biden has a long and recorded history of inappropriate touching of women. This should be the end of Biden’s political career but he’s lucky enough to have a “D” after his name so liberals are twisting like pretzels to excuse and dismiss his rapey ways.

Biden has stated that he will pick a woman as his running mate, which, given his history and the current allegations against him, takes on a new creepy dimension. An advisor to one of the woman Joe is considering gave a really fun quote to Politico, showing just how full of shit everyone on the left is:

“‘Believe the woman’ didn’t mean believe all women, all the time. But this is an era of slogans and we’re paying the price for that,” said the advisor.

You see, “believe all women” meant believe it when a woman accuses a Republican, not a democrat. According to the quote, the democrats are the real victims here. How dare the public hold them to their own words and stated beliefs.

Equally as full of shit is out-of-work actress and Resistance leader Alyssa Milano, who was all over the accusations against conservative Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh but doesn’t believe the accusations against her friend Joe Biden. Milano wrote an opinion/propaganda piece in Deadline Hollywood, trying to explain her sudden change of heart when it comes to sexual assault.

“Believing women was never about ‘Believe all women no matter what they say,’ it was about changing the culture of NOT believing women by default,” wrote Milano.


“We have to sort of societally change that mindset to believing women.”

As fate would have it, Milano spelled out what she meant so nobody would be confused about her glaring hypocrisy:

“As an activist, it can be very easy to develop a black and white view of the world: things are clearly wrong or clearly right…Donald Trump’s alleged sexual assaults were clearly wrong. Brett Kavanaugh’s actions, told consistently over decades by his victim (and supported by her polygraph results), were clearly wrong,” Milano wrote.


“It’s not up to women to admonish or absolve perpetrators, or be regarded as complicit when we don’t denounce them. Nothing makes this clearer than the women who are still supporting Joe Biden even with these accusations. Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Stacey Abrams, Amy Klobuchar, Nancy Pelosi, and Elizabeth Warren have all endorsed Biden and like me, continue to support him,” wrote Milano.

Hmm, so she feels Trump and Kavanaugh are guilty of sexual assault, but not Joe Biden? I wonder what the difference is. Could it be a political affiliation kind of thing?

Nobody is the least bit shocked that liberals are hypocrites. They’ve applied their double-standard to everything from racism to rape for years. The only thing stunning about this is that it took Joe Biden sexually assault a woman for them to publicly admit: “Yes, we are completely full of shit.”