Michigan’s Governor Gretchen Witmer is a liberal fascist who is determined to crush the will of the people and lock down the state until everyone is dead broke or just dead. Her attorney general is equally as fascist and has banned President Trump from the state because he visited a Ford plant without wearing a mask. The coronavirus literally has democrats drunk with power but once the courts weigh in on this unconstitutional nonsense they will be hungover and sleeping in a pile of their own puke.
President Trump was slated to visit a Ford plant in Michigan that had temporarily been building ventilators that nobody needed. Before he even touched down, Michigan’s liberal AG, Dana Nessel was threatening him and the Ford motor Company.
“You’re the chief law enforcement officer of your state, what if [President Trump] doesn’t wear a mask?” a CNN stooge asked.
“Well, obviously we’re asking that he do that. You know, for most people of course, legally they can be held accountable. If we’ve learned nothing over the past couple of years of President Trump in the White House is that he doesn’t have the same legal accountability as everybody else. But honestly, if he fails to wear a mask he’s going to be asked to never return to any enclosed facilities in our state,” said Nessel.
Plus Nessel said she’s going after Ford, the state’s biggest employer, if they don’t force Trump to wear a mask.
“If we know he’s coming to our state and we know he’s not going to follow the law, I think we’re going to have to take action against any company or any facility that allows him to be inside those facilities and puts our workers at risk,” Nessel said.
President Trump showed up at the Ford plant and he wasn’t wearing a mask. He explained that he and everyone around him had been tested and Ford was cool with him not wearing a mask. Also, he acknowledge he was trying to freak liberals out.
“ I wore [a mask] in the back area here but I didn’t want to give the press the pleasure of seeing it,” said Trump.
And the liberal freak-out bait worked. Among Trump’s catch of the day, he landed Michigan’s AG Dana Nessel, who went back on CNN to cry.
“This morning you said right here on CNN that if President Trump doesn’t wear a mask, he’ll be asked not to return to any undisclosed facilities in your state,” started Wolf Blitzer.
Actually, he was facing a potential ban from “enclosed” facilities, not “undisclosed” ones, but this is CNN.
“Is the President no longer welcome in Michigan?” Blitzer asked.
“Well, I will say speaking on behalf of my government and my office, that’s right. That’s exactly right,” replied Nessel.
So the attorney general of Michigan, the state’s highest law enforcement official, thinks that she has the authority to ban the President of the United States from the state? Shouldn’t someone in this position have at least a casual knowledge of the law?
Here’s my prediction: Trump is going to campaign like crazy in Michigan between now and November and Governor Witmer (Witless) and AG Nessel will not be able to do shit to stop him.
There is simply no law in existence or one that would be Constitutional that would allow a state to ban anyone for any reason. The fact that Trump didn’t violate any laws and wasn’t arrested or charged with anything makes even less likely that this kooky-ass bitch can stop him from coming to Michigan.
This is very revealing in terms of how far down the facism hole democrats have gone in the coronavirus pandemic. Because there is a virus that pretty much kills old people, they think they can suddenly control everyone’s behavior.