Tuesday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Good morning Deplorables.

The Monument-Destroying Mobs Don’t Hate The Confederacy, They Hate America

Via The Federalist

The mobs defacing and pulling down monuments across America have no limiting principle because their target is America itself.

Angry mobs are tearing down and defacing monuments across America. They make no distinction between Confederate and Union, abolitionist and pro-slavery, 15th-century figures and 20th. They don’t care when a monument was erected, who built it, or why. They have not come to debate or persuade their fellow citizens to relocate these statues to museums or private property. They believe the debate is over and that they have won.

The Confederacy Isn’t the Target

Their target is not the Confederacy. It is the United States. They mean to destroy symbols of American history writ large, because to them all of American history is racist and genocidal. Their goal is not to cleanse a nation they love of monuments to Confederate traitors who tried to secede, but to cleanse their consciences of ever having loved such an evil and irredeemably racist country in the first place.

That is why you see mobs defacing statues of abolitionists like Matthias Baldwin and Union war heroes like Adm. David Farragut and Gen. George Thomas. That is why the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier of the American Revolution in Philadelphia was vandalized this past weekend with the words “committed genocide.” That is why statues of Christopher Columbus were torn down or beheaded in three cities last week. That is why officials in Dallas recently removed a Texas Ranger statue from Love Field Airport. That is why a mob of college students toppled two statues of American pioneers on the University of Oregon campus. That is why Black Lives Matter protesters in San Antonio, Texas, are threatening to march on the Alamo.

To suppose this has anything to do with the Confederacy or the Civil War is to misunderstand completely the nature of what is happening right now in America. The people who are pulling down monuments, defacing statues, and demanding U.S. military bases be renamed do not have a limiting principle. They don’t distinguish between those who fought for freedom against the British Empire and those who fought for union against the slave states of the South. To them, the Union itself was a crime against humanity long before the South seceded. What kind of moral monster would ever fight to preserve it?

This is the 1619 Project come to life. If the American Revolution was fought to protect and preserve slavery then the entire history of American colonization and westward expansion is a litany of crimes that no one should celebrate. The Founding Fathers are no less guilty than Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis — not just because they owned slaves but because they founded the United States, a nation conceived not in liberty but in white supremacy.

In this reading of history, the crimes of Gen. George Washington are worse than the crimes of Gen. Lee. In religious terms — and make no mistake, this is a religious movement of the radical left — the founders are guilty of original sin, which we have all inherited and which only public penance and indulgences can erase.

Read the entire article HERE.

Do Deep State Elements Operate Within The Protest Movement?

Via Zero Hedge

Does anyone believe the nationwide riots and looting are a spontaneous reaction to the killing of George Floyd?

It’s all too coordinated, too widespread, and too much in-sync with the media narrative that applauds the “mainly peaceful protests” while ignoring the vast destruction to cities across the country. What’s that all about? Do the instigators of these demonstrations want to see our cities reduced to urban wastelands where street gangs and Antifa thugs impose their own harsh justice? That’s where this is headed, isn’t it?

Of course there are millions of protesters who honestly believe they’re fighting racial injustice and police brutality. And more power to them. But that certainly doesn’t mean there aren’t hidden agendas driving these outbursts. Quite the contrary. It seems to me that the protest movement is actually the perfect vehicle for affecting dramatic social changes that only serve the interests of elites. For example, who benefits from defunding the police? Not African Americans, that’s for sure. Black neighborhoods need more security not less. And yet, the New York Times lead editorial on Saturday proudly announces, “Yes, We Mean Literally Abolish the Police–Because reform won’t happen.” Check it out:

“We can’t reform the police. The only way to diminish police violence is to reduce contact between the public and the police….There is not a single era in United States history in which the police were not a force of violence against black people. Policing in the South emerged from the slave patrols in the 1700 and 1800s that caught and returned runaway slaves. In the North, the first municipal police departments in the mid-1800s helped quash labor strikes and riots against the rich. Everywhere, they have suppressed marginalized populations to protect the status quo.

So when you see a police officer pressing his knee into a black man’s neck until he dies, that’s the logical result of policing in America. When a police officer brutalizes a black person, he is doing what he sees as his job…” (“Yes, We Mean Literally Abolish the Police–Because reform won’t happen”, New York Times)

So, according to the Times, the problem isn’t single parent families, or underfunded education or limited job opportunities or fractured neighborhoods, it’s the cops who have nothing to do with any of these problems. Are we supposed to take this seriously, because the editors of the Times certainly do. They’d like us to believe that there is groundswell support for this loony idea, but there isn’t. In a recent poll, more than 60% of those surveyed, oppose the idea of defunding the police. So why would such an unpopular, wacko idea wind up as the headline op-ed in the Saturday edition? Well, because the Times is doing what it always does, advancing the political agenda of the elites who hold the purse-strings and dictate which ideas are promoted and which end up on the cutting room floor. That’s how the system works. Check out this excerpt from an article by Paul Craig Roberts:

“The extraordinary destruction of white and Asian businesses in many instances wiping out a family’s lifetime work, the looting of national businesses whose dumbshit CEOs support the looters, the merciless gang beatings of whites and Asians who attempted to defend their persons and their property, the egging on of the violence by politicians in both parties and by the entirely of the media including many alternative media websites, shows a country undergoing collapse. This is why it is not shown in national media. Some local media show an indication of the violent destruction in their community, but it is not accumulated and presented to a national audience. Consequently, Americans think the looting and destruction is only a local occurance… I just checked CNN and the BBC and there is nothing about the extraordinary economic destruction and massive thefts.” (“The Real Racists”, Paul Craig Roberts, Unz Review)

Roberts makes a good point, and one that’s worth mulling over. Why has the media failed to show the vast destruction of businesses and private property? Why have they minimized the effects of vandalism, looting and arson? Why have they fanned the flames of social unrest from the very beginning, shrugging off the ruin and devastation while cheerleading the demonstrations as a heroic struggle for racial justice? Is this is the same media that supported every bloody war, every foreign intervention, and every color-revolution for the last 5 decades? Are we really expected to believe that they’ve changed their stripes and become an energized proponent of social justice?


Read the entire article HERE.

NYPD Officers Hospitalized After Consuming Drinks With ‘Toxic Substance’ At A Shake Shack, Reports Say

Via The Daily Wire

The Police Benevolent Association (PBA) of the City of New York, the largest police union representing police officers of the New York Police Department, said late on Monday that at least one officer had consumed a beverage that they believe contained bleach.

“Several police officers assigned to a protest detail drank beverages with a toxic substance in them at a Manhattan Shake Shack,” PIX11 News reported. “The officers were hospitalized after drinking the beverages from a Shake Shack near Broadway and Fulton on Monday and are expected to recover.”

In a statement, PBA President Pat Lynch said:

I am writing to alert you to yet another serious safety issue. This evening, several MOS [member of service] assigned to a protest detail in lower Manhattan took a meal at the Shake Shack location on Broadway and Fulton Street. At some point during their meal period, the MOS discovered that a toxic substance, believed to be bleach, had been placed in their beverages. The contamination was not discovered until the MOS had already ingested a portion of their beverages. They are currently at the hospital receiving treatment and are expected to recover.

All PBA members are advised to carefully inspect any prepared food item they purchase while on duty for possible contamination. Whenever possible, take meal in groups of two or more, and remain vigilant for the duration of the meal period.

When New York City police officers cannot even take meal without coming under attack, it is clear that environment in which we work has deteriorated to a critical level. We cannot afford to let our guard down for even a moment. As always, look out for each other and remember our primary mission: everyone goes home EOT.

The news comes as law enforcement officials have been demonized across the country over the last few weeks after the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

Read the entire article HERE.

The Party of Chaos and Falsehood

By James Howard Kuntsler/Clusterfuck Nation

The USA has gone so batshit crazy in these months of the corona virus freak-out that an orgy of looting, arson, and murder, on top of epic job loss and business failure, propelled the stock markets up-up-and-away back to near-record highs — until it finally puked yesterday in a rare moment of self-revulsion, like a sot who has been drinking after-shave. The news media barely mentioned it, though, so fraught are they by the toils of systemic racism, a morbid condition not unlike “the vapors” of Sigmund Freud’s early days, curiously lacking specificity.

Which raises the question: how much of the response to the public killing of one George Floyd has been an engineered operation by the Democratic Party and its allies in the propaganda industry? I’d say, an awful lot, considering the presentation of events in The New York Times and other organs of the perpetual Resistance that have been luxuriating in existential woe surrounding the indecencies of whiteness, culminating in the fake abject ritual of contrition put on by Ms. Pelosi and Chuck Schumer taking-a-knee in their Kente cloth prayer shawls. Within a few more days, at least four cops around the country were ambushed and shot in the head, but there were no public displays of mourning for them.

Meanwhile, the country has watched countless scenes captured on smartphone video of young people in flash mobs looting, trashing, and burning one city business district after another — but don’t believe your lying eyes, these were “mostly peaceful protest demonstrations” (Ali Velshi, MSNBC). The police mostly stood by and watched, under instructions to avoid producing a batch of fresh martyrs to feed the flames of rage stoked by the talking heads of cable news. By some miracle, the cops’ restraint prevailed, but many of the trashed and looted businesses will not come back, and the cities themselves will be permanently diminished by the losses suffered.

The Democratic Party Resistance apparently believes that all this mayhem, and the false sanctimony excusing it, works to their advantage in the coming national election. They may be disappointed about how that works out, as they’ve been disappointed in three years of previous gambits to overthrow the government and seize power by any means necessary. The picture of them is resolving into the party of bad faith, foul play, coercion, and tyranny. Even the corona virus scare carries a taint of Resistance manipulation. One moment the populace is hustled into an economically devastating lockdown; and then suddenly, on a fine spring day, they’re incited to mix in moiling mobs of street protests with the predictable result of a fresh spike in virus contagion and the possibility of a second lockdown. Like many activities in our national life lately, it’s another hostage racket, and, guess what, you’re the hostage.

Read the entire article and the author’s other great work HERE.

Your Black Future

Via The Unz Review

A guy with who once pointed a gun at the belly of a woman during an armed robbery was actually “a gentle giant,” according to ABC News. It quotes one of his buddies, “Anybody who knows him will tell you he’s not confrontational.” At George Floyd’s funeral, the mayor of Minneapolis, Richard Frey, knelt by the coffin and sobbed for a full minute, his body shaking.

For over two weeks, riots have erupted across America, and it doesn’t look like they will stop soon. Protesters and cops have been killed. A black man has just been shot by police in Atlanta, triggering another riot.

Reading about all this turmoil, I think back to my one visit to the Twin Cities, in 2014. Arriving in Saint Paul on a train from Williston, North Dakota, I checked into a motel, and was on the streets by dawn. It was July 4th!

Wandering around haphazardly, I ended up at Langford Park, where there was a large picnic. Old people relaxed on lawn chairs, kids ran around and the Pig’s Eye Jass Band was swinging to Gershwin’s “Strike Up the Band.” Having been to many cities in at least 35 states, I had never encountered such a wholesome and tranquilly joyous gathering. It was as if I had stumbled into a vast Norman Rockwell painting, or time traveled to an America of half a century ago.

Though there were some blacks and Orientals, almost everyone there was white. Still, I never felt unwelcomed. I chatted with a middle-aged gentleman who gave me a fascinating primer on the Iron Range. Pasties I already knew about, from my time in England.

Later that day, I went to downtown Minneapolis. On Nicollet Mall, I reentered a more familiar urban America of pants slung below butt cracks, eyebrow piercings and neck tattoos. A gaunt white guy had small oil paintings sewn onto his black coat. I passed about ten members of the Israelite Church of God in Jesus Christ. Most were in tasseled and embroidered white robes, with two red Stars of David on their chests. The bodyguards wore all black. I have seen the same group in Philly, Washington and Atlanta. Their membership is limited to blacks and browns, for whites are sodomizing devils who deserve to be enslaved or exterminated.

Although Nicollet Mall was just six miles from Langford Park, what I saw were two entirely separate Americas. In Philly, crossing a single street can land you in a different world. Often, whites have simply given up and abandoned their neighborhoods, complete with the large churches or synagogues they so lovingly built. That’s not racism, but fleeing for your life, and blacks have done the same, the first chance they get.

In black ghettos across America, I’ve marveled at the ruins of once magnificent houses of worship, as well as formerly beautiful homes, now charred, just for the fun of it, or boarded up. If it’s a majority black neighborhood or city, as in Gary or Jackson, you can be sure it’s a disaster, but of course it’s all the fault of fudge packing white devils.

As incompatible Americas again collide, cities are looted and burnt, leading many to think it’s a rerun of racial riots from the 60’s. Others believe it’s an intensification of the resistance against Trump, racist cops, the patriarchy and/or Capitalism. It’s a new beginning, they hope.

To better understand what’s happening, though, we should reexamine Mao’s Cultural Revolution. Lasting a full decade, it destroyed much of China’s cultural heritage and tore that society apart, all in the name of getting rid of the “Four Olds”: old customs, old culture, old habits and old ideas.

It was a reign of terror against man, civilization and China itself, but it had to be done, for there was a socialist utopia at the end of the blood splattered tunnel, said Mao.

Mao’s shock troops were high school and university students, woke idiots, in short, with their little Red Book. They denounced professors, intellectuals and artists, torched temples and monasteries, burnt books and paintings, smashed art objects, tore bits from the Great Wall and vandalized the 2,400-year-old cemetery of the Kong Clan, where Confucius himself was buried. Digging up one of his descendants, they hung the naked corpse from a tree.

Just like Mao’s Red Guards, then, American rebels running amok do not threaten but serve a ruling clique. Look at their targets. They are destroying middle- and working-class stores and communities. They’re tearing down Main Streets.

Subverting society, the state derides all traditional standards and definitions of decency, as it normalizes or even celebrates criminals, savages and perverts. To get confirmation of this, just turn on your television, browse through a magazine or talk to your kids about what they’re learning in schools.

Clear, nuanced and measured language has been replaced by raving idiocies and obscenities. Piss Christ is beautiful. Shakespeare sucks. Unless they’re trannies, men are toxic, especially white ones.

To remake a nation, then, you destroy its heritage, its “Four Olds.” In the West, old ways are inextricably linked with Christianity and whiteness, so both have to go, but how do you get white majority countries to denounce their own heritage?

To start with, you use the academy and media to drum guilt and shame into them, repeat endlessly that only whites can be racist, that they owned slaves, lynched blacks, dropped bombs everywhere and stayed silent as Hitler gassed six million Jews, the worst crime ever. As the first step towards their own salvation, then, whites must renounce their whiteness.

If a white meekly squeaks that, well, racism is in the heart, so anyone can be a racist, that slavery was pretty much everywhere, in China, Korea, Japan, the Americas before Columbus and all of Africa, etc., that men of every race can be super sadistic in abusing their own kind and even corpses, using whatever technology they have available, and most whites actually fought against Hitler, and finally, he doesn’t believe in collective guilt, especially since his grandpa was a serf, his daddy died in the coal mine and he’s a minimum wager himself, working way past retirement age, you can just shut this asshole up by shouting in his face, “I should have known all along you were a Nazi!”

Read the entire article HERE.

Democrats Clarify That Black Lives Will Only Matter Until November

Via The Babylon Bee (Satire)

U.S.—A team of political experts released its latest prediction on the Black Lives Matter movement today, saying the group’s current surge will likely only last until early November. The experts say after votes are cast in the 2020 election, politicians will no longer have a need for the black community, and everything will go back to normal.

The team of experts out of UCLA has been following Black Lives Matter since it emerged back in 2014 when an unarmed black man was killed by police in St. Louis. The popular civil rights group also made headlines in 2016 and 2018.

“We have to pander to them to see if they will matter,” said Nancy Pelosi. “We stand committed to elevating black voices when we need their votes and not a moment after.”

“It’s a strange phenomenon,” said UCLA professor Azad Khanna. “Every few years Black Lives Matter comes onto the scene for a couple of months and then just sort of disappears in November. I’ve never seen anything like it.” Khanna paused for a moment, noticing a young white woman who had kneeled before him. The woman asked his forgiveness for her white privilege and her years of racism toward African Americans and then started kissing his feet. Khanna kindly informed her that he is from India.

Experts believe the Black Lives Matter movement will re-emerge sometime in 2022.

Check out all of the Bee’s takes on politics and culture HERE.

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