Def-Con News recently provided a handy 12-step guide of all the empty gestures liberals have made to end racism. This should have been the 13th step because you’d be hard pressed to find an emptier gesture: The AP Stylebook is doing its part to stop racial inequality by capitalizing “black” but not “white.” Now that Black people are proper nouns and white people aren’t, blacks will make more money, get arrested less for crimes they’ve committed, be less impacted by coronavirus and global warming, and everything else liberals say proves systemic racism. Why the hell didn’t they do this a long time ago?
The AP Stylebook is a constantly-updated set of rules for the liberal media to use when writing fake news. It’s the reason why “illegal alien” is illegal “retarded” has been retarded.
In response to a black criminal on drugs, dying from a heart attack, the AP has a new rule that will surely bridge the racial equality gap:
AP’s style is now to capitalize Black in a racial, ethnic or cultural sense, conveying an essential and shared sense of history, identity and community among people who identify as Black, including those in the African diaspora and within Africa.
— APStylebook (@APStylebook) June 19, 2020
We also now capitalize Indigenous in reference to original inhabitants of a place.
— APStylebook (@APStylebook) June 19, 2020
These changes align with long-standing capitalization of other racial and ethnic identifiers such as Latino, Asian American and Native American.
— APStylebook (@APStylebook) June 19, 2020
Our discussions on style and language consider many points, including the need to be inclusive and respectful in our storytelling and the evolution of language. We believe this change serves those ends.
— APStylebook (@APStylebook) June 19, 2020
Our revisions come after more than two years of in-depth research and discussion with colleagues and respected thinkers from a diversity of backgrounds, both within and from outside the cooperative.
— APStylebook (@APStylebook) June 19, 2020
But the thing is, if they also capitalize “white” it won’t bridge the gap so the AP is leaning toward grammatical affirmative action:
As a global news organization, we are continuing to discuss within the U.S. and internationally whether to capitalize the term white. Considerations are many and include any implications that doing so might have outside the United States. We will have a decision within a month.
— APStylebook (@APStylebook) June 19, 2020
I’m willing to bet they will decided whitey doesn’t get a capital “W.”
Generally speaking, you capitalize proper nouns (an individual person, place, or organization) and titles. “Black” is an adjective, which is a word to describe a noun like black hole or black lung. The same goes for “indigenous” which means someone or something native to a specific area. “Asian” is also an adjective, but it is derived from a place, which is capitalized like American, or Texan.
With this AP Stylebook stunt, they are trying to make black either a proper noun, which it isn’t, or a title, which is both silly and racist. Imagine titling someone as the “Black of Rancho Cucamonga”. Anyone writing for the liberal media would be fired for dropping that one.
It’s also racist in the broader sense. Liberals have been “representing” black people in this country for generations, keeping them down in crime-ridden shitholes with no opportunity. Instead of addressing these problems or improving the lives of black people in any way, these liberals will occasionally throw them a symbolic bone and say, “there, fixed it for ya.”
The sad thing is, too many black people fall for this bullshit time and time again. There will be a significant number of black radical activists that will be pumped that “black” gets capitalized and “white” doesn’t. “Suck on that, honky!”