Joe Biden Calls Reporter A ‘Lying Dog Face’

What is it with Joe Biden and lying dog faces? Earlier in the year he called a supporter a “Lying dog-faced pony soldier” and today he went after a reporter calling him a “Lying dog face.” Could it be that his dementia is causing hallucinations that make him think people have dog faces? perhaps he even thinks dogs are talking to him like the one that told Son of Sam to kill people. Either way, this is not healthy.

Biden gave a pseudo-press conference today in which all of the reporters had submitted pre-approved questions. Apparently one of them went off script and that triggered Crazy Joe’s crazy.


“Last question real quick. People have speculated that you are subject to some degree of cognitive decline,” said the reporter.

“You’re a lying dog face,” replied Biden.

So that’s a “yes” that Biden has problems with his brain?

“I’m 65, I don’t have the recollection I used to have. I forget my train of thought from time to time. You got 12 years on me so have you been tested for some degree of cognizant decline?” asked the reporter.

“I’ve been tested and I’m constantly tested. Look, all you gotta do is watch me and I can hardly wait to compare my cognitive capability to the cognitive capability of the man I’m running against,” Biden said.

Earlier in the press conference Biden had accused Present Trump of being the one with the cognizance problem:

“This President is — he talks about cognitive capability. He doesn’t seem to be cognitively aware of what’s going on,” Biden said.

Will Biden release the results of these cognizance tests? I bet he doesn’t, mostly because he’s the lying dog face and he hasn’t been tested, let alone constantly being tested.

Biden offers proof of his superior mental capabilities by telling people to watch him. We have been watching and it’s kind of sad. He doesn’t know where he is most of the time, can’t remember who he’s married to, and forgets things like the Declaration of Independence.

This is kind of like the captain of the Titanic telling people to check out the wreckage at the bottom of the ocean if they want proof of his superior ship piloting skills.

Because Biden is a multifaceted lunatic, he ends this with the lie that he can’t wait to put his brain up against President Trump’s. The Trump campaign has requested more debates with Biden and his campaign has denied that. The reason is because, while Biden is somewhere in outer space, his people know his mind is shot. That’s why he’s been campaigning in his basement on Zoom interviews with friendly liberal media outlets. That’s why his press conference only had vetted reporters asking per-approved questions. The last thing Biden’s camp wants is for their candidate to go off-script in a debate with President Trump and see the real Crazy Joe.

This episode is Joe Biden in a nutshell (pun intended): Someone asks if his mind is slipping and he responds by calling a reporter a “lying dog face” then finishes up with a couple of lies of his own.

Again, someone needs to find out if he thinks everyone looks like talking dogs. If so, the democratic party might want to find a new candidate.