Democrat Bob Menendez Blocks Senate Resolution Condemning Mob Violence

I know democrats and Republicans don’t agree on much, but surely they could find some consensus in condemning looting, destruction, and assault. Actually they can’t and don’t call me Shirley. Republican Senator Mike Lee introduced a simple resolution to condemn the recent mob violence that has infected cities across the country but democrat Bob Menendez blocked it because clearly the democrats are on the side of chaos and anarchy.

As the Senate was wrapping things up on Thursday, Utah Senator Mike Lee wanted to add one more thing:

“Before we break for the 4th of July recess, I think it’s important for the Senate to go on record to condemn the rising tide of mob violence we see across the country and the increasing mob mentality that’s fueling it,” said Lee.

Who could be against this? Democrats, that’s who. Bob Menendez rose to object, perhaps thinking it was a resolution to condemn bribery and corruption.

First, Menendez didn’t like the resolution because it didn’t recognize that some cops are bad, saying, “The bad ones make it difficult for the good ones.”

Then, Menendez wanted the resolution to include a shout-out to slavery: “There is no mention of America’s original sin, which is slavery.

Menendez added that “the resolution reeks of [white] supremacy” and “seeks to overwhelm the peaceful protest of people in the nation.”

But mostly Menendez was pissed that this resolution didn’t also condemn what he perceives as President Trump’s racism. The NJ Senator repeated many debunked lies including that Trump said there were good Nazi’s in Charlottesville.

“We have a President who said there are good people on all sides, including white supremacists in Charlston,” said Menendez.

Actually it was Charlottesville, Virginia not Charleston, North Carolina, plus Trump never said there were good white supremacists; he condemned them by name.

Mendez however can’t condemn Antifa terrorists and street criminals because he said the only way he would vote for the resolution is if Lee, “Added to his resolution the fact that we have a President who provokes insightful language and violence.”

Lee was flabbergasted that democrats couldn’t bring themselves to condemn mob violence:

“Just so everyone is clear on the bat guano-inspired insanity that we just witnessed, I just proposed a non-binding resolution condemning mob violence and Senate democrats objected. I don’t know whether to be outraged or embarrassed for them. This isn’t even a bill, it’s just a statement that says mob violence is bad. Democrats can’t say mob violence is bad without taking a jab at the President of the United States?” Lee said.

Obviously not. Democrats can’t do anything with out attacking President Trump, so why should a resolution be any different?

Lee might not have gotten his resolution passed but at least Republicans now have some pretty good political ad content. Senate democrats are now on record as supporting mob violence. This isn’t a big shock to anyone who has been watching them egg on the leftist scum destroying our cities and history for the past month, but now there’s an official record of this anti-American/anti-cop/anti-safety party position.