Despite Liberal Media ‘Fact-Check’ Biden Really Does Want Islam Taught To Our Kids

Joe Biden’s got a pretty good racket going with his basement bunker presidential campaign. He only does remote interviews with friendly outlets going off pre-approved questions and when he messes up and says something stupid, which is constantly, the liberal media ignores it. On those occasions where Biden says something really outrageous the fake news industry leaps to his defense. He recently said that he wishes Islam was taught to kids in U.S. schools and his propaganda department in the liberal media is claiming he didn’t mean it so therefore he didn’t say it.

A couple of days ago Biden Zoomed with something called the Million Muslim Vote Summit, which sounds like both a lie and a terrorist organization. Right off the bat, he said something incredibly stupid, like he‘s actually trying to make President Trump’s campaign videos for him:

“Look, one of the things I think is important is, I wish I wish we taught more in our schools about the Islamic faith,” said Biden.

There it is. He said it. It’s on video. This wasn’t deceptively edited and there is no additional context that would change the truth that Joe Biden wants American school kids to be forced to learn about Isalm.

Somehow PolitiFact disputes the video evidence of Biden’s jihadi dreams, proclaiming:

Facebook post takes Biden’s comments on teaching Islam in schools out of context

As presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden spoke in support of increasing Muslim American voter turnout at a recent summit, he said he wished American schoolchildren were taught more about Islam.

Biden thanked advocacy group Emgage Action for endorsing his campaign and having him at their “Million Muslim Votes” event July 20. Then he said: “I wish we taught more in our schools about the Islamic faith.”

Biden said more than that, but the backlash on social media didn’t catch it.

On Facebook, a text post quoted Biden incorrectly as saying: “We need to teach our children the ISLAMIC FAITH in our schools!”

The misquote left out important context from the rest of Biden’s speech and his campaign as a whole.

AYFKM? Politifact is going to draw a distinction between:

“I wish we taught more in our schools about the Islamic faith.”


“We need to teach our children the ISLAMIC FAITH in our schools!”

They are the exact same thing.

As for the “missing context” PolitiFact beclowns themselves further:

Biden said he wished schools taught not only the Islamic faith but “all the great confessional faiths.” He also said that he is interested in theology and “we all come from the same root here in terms of our fundamental, basic beliefs,” referencing his own Catholic background.

His reference to “confessional religions” includes different denominations of Christianity, Judaism and Islam, which are religions that each have their own statements of faith, sometimes called a confession.

And that makes it that Biden didn’t say he wished schools taught Islam how? PolitiFact never explains this, but they do have a ruling on the truthfulness of Biden’s own actual words:

The Facebook post claimed that Biden said, “We need to teach our children the ISLAMIC FAITH in our schools!”

He didn’t say the quote. At the summit, Biden said that Islam should be studied from a theology perspective, not that students should be taught Islamic faith. He also went on to include that all “great confessional religions” should be talked about more in schools.

We rate this False.

Go watch the video again. Biden never said Islam should be studied from a theological perspective. He did however say that Islam should be taught at our schools.

The liberal media fact-checkers are now at the point where their arguments for Biden’s insanity is: “Who you gonna believe? Us or your lying eyes?”

While we are on the subject, Biden should be wishing that the Catholic Church taught the teachings of the Catholic Church so he wouldn’t be such a pro-baby killing heretic. Seriously, how is this ghoul a Catholic or even a Christian?