Hillary Invites People To Wish Bill A Happy B-Day Then Blocks Them From Doing So

Hillary Clinton is slated to speak at the virtual DNC on Wednesday night but she wanted to remind everyone what a BS person she is one more time before launching into a rant about how Russia stole the election form her. Today is her rapist husband Bill’s birthday and she invited people on Twitter to wish him well, except that she blocked almost everyone from actually replying to the tweet. Even in celebrating her husband’s birthday she shows herself to be a liar.

Check out this tweet:

Now notice this at the bottom:

Only 7 replies? That doesn’t make a lot of sense. There are hundreds of thousands of liberals who don’t care that Bill is a sexual predator and would love to wish him a “happy B-day.” There are also millions of people who would love to leave a snarky message about his sexually predation but for some reason there are only 7 replies.

Scrolling down, I found the answer:

Only people who Hillary follows or mentions are allowed to reply. What, at this point, was the point of her inviting people to wish Bill a happy birthday when she knew she was blocking almost everyone? Like I said, she’s a bullshit person.

I don’t blame Hillary for blocking responses because she knows more than anyone what a rapey piece of shit Bill is, but to present this so dishonestly is ridiculous even for her.

As it turns out, one guy did manage to leave a response Hillary was trying to avoid:

I’m guessing Hillary will unfollow this person. Also, why is Hillary following someone whose Twitter handle is “Bill Clinton Is A Pedo”?

The other pathetic thing here is that Hillary follows 850 people and only 7 wished Bill a happy birthday and really only 6 of those were legitimate wishes. Are people finally sick of the Clintons? If the rejection people showed Hillary in 2016 wasn’t a big enough message, maybe this anemic B-day wish thing will let them know it’s time to go out to pasture.

In related news, former FBI head James Comey recently tweeted out a picture of himself wearing a t-shirt that reads: “Elect More Women:

And Hillary proved democrats can’t meme by responding with a lame GIF of her rolling her eyes:

You see, Hillary blames Comey, among other things, for her election loss. I’m pretty sure this is a preview of the rant she will unleash at the DNC tonight.

Hillary Clinton is such a liar that she even lies when inviting people to wish her husband a happy birthday, but the biggest lie here is that she loves this cheating rapist. Their marriage is a total sham.