Battleground Portland – Open Thread

On Saturday night violence in Portland escalated when a supporter of President Trump was brutally murdered in cold blood by one of the Democratic party’s thugs.

“WE GOT A TRUMPER HERE!” – heard just before the murder.

The yet to be identified victim was wearing a “blue lives matter” patch which made him into a target for the mob.

Pictures have been posted of a possible suspect although there are conflicting descriptions.

In a sickening display, BLM activists cheered the killing.

The murder occurred after a caravan of pro-Trump patriots ventured onto communist turf and in some instances, jousted with ANTIFA/BLM scum who were on the receiving end of punches, pepper spray, and paintballs.

Very soon things are going to get ugly as Americans become weary of the Democrat-sanctioned violence that is not going to end until it is brutally put down with appropriate force.


Your chance to weigh in Deplorables because sooner or later the scum is going to come for you too.