NBA To Convert Arenas Into Polling Stations To Aid Chinese Puppet Biden

The merger of professional sports and politics that are favorable to the communist regime in Beijing is now complete.

That the NBA is just another arm of the Democratic party is now out in the open and in a transparent effort to meddle in the upcoming election, the league has announced that it would be converting all of its venues into polling stations.

The league’s full-court press to defeat President Trump has intensified following the players’ return from boycotting their own games to protest the police shooting of a criminal who fought with them and has a history of violence.

As a part of the agreement to resume their playoffs, LeBron James and his minions were able to wring concessions out of ownership that included the use of their arenas to oust Trump and install Joe Biden who will quickly assume the position of being a footstool for Chairman Xi and China.

Via The Hill, “NBA announces plan to convert arenas into polling places as part of agreement to resume play”:

The NBA and the National Basketball Players Association (NBPA) announced a plan Friday to return to the league’s playoffs, as well as a commitment to convert some arena facilities into in-person voting locations during the 2020 general election.

NBPA Executive Director Michele Roberts and NBA Commissioner Adam Silver said in joint statement that the league will return to playoff games on Saturday “with the understanding that” players and the league will focus on a slate of civil and voting rights programs.

The leaders said that in every city where the league’s franchise controls arena property “team governors will continue to work with local elections officials to convert the facility into a voting location for the 2020 general election to allow for a safe in-person voting option for communities vulnerable to COVID.”

“If a deadline has passed, team governors will work with local elections officials to find another election-related use for the facility, including but not limited to voter registration and ballot receiving boards,” the statement continued.

The NBA and players also agreed to establish a “social justice coalition” that is set to include players, coaches and governors focused on issues like “increasing access to voting, promoting civic engagement, and advocating for meaningful police and criminal justice reform.”

The news drew cheers from another industry that has become dependent on the Chinese market in TDS-afflicted Hollywood celebs who are desperate to prevent a second Trump term and another four years of being deprived of invitations to swanky White House parties.

Leading the cheering was morbidly obese and completely unhinged actor/director Rob Reiner who parlayed his role as Archie Bunker’s pinko son-in-law into a once-successful career which has imploded since Hillary lost the 2016 election.

How effective that this move will ultimately be is currently unknown in that most of the arenas are located in urban areas that vote exclusively for Democrats anyway and there is that thing about the NBA’s plummeting ratings and shrinking fanbase outside of China.

Gone are the days when Americans could come together through sports which have now incurred untold damage due to the enormous egos of players like LeBron James who is subservient to communist China and the Democratic party – just like Joe Biden will be.

This is nothing short of foreign election meddling being carried out by Beijing’s dupes.