Where Are The Black Voices Condemning Anti-White Racism? – Open Thread

With the dismal current state of affairs and the overt racism against white people it is time to start asking some tough questions…

There is no way to dispute that there is an undeclared war against white people that has been manufactured by Deep State interests as cover for their coming color revolution against President Trump but which could not have gotten traction without the complicity of blacks themselves, the majority who have remained silent as their white friends, neighbors and co-workers are being subjected to a campaign of dehumanization unlike nothing ever seen before in America.

With white people being shamed into silence, violently attacked by black thugs and demonized by a media that has become the greatest purveyor of hate on the planet, where are those black voices who decry this racism and who should understand that it is counterproductive and an only serves to damage their own place in society?

Where are the black people and especially those of influence who do not agree with the Black Lives Matter terrorists? Why do they not speak up?

Like the “good Germans” who lived downwind of the death camps and were never alerted by the smell of burning corpses of Jews, America’s black population is complicit in the coming atrocities.

Silence is violence!

Ok Deplorables, the floor is yours.