Breakfast For The Brain Weekend Edition

Ding, dong the witch is dead… have a great weekend Deplorables.

For the Sake of the Constitution, and the Country, Fill Ginsburg’s Seat Quickly

Via American Greatness

Many Americans would feel relieved to have the question settled so that they can focus on what they are supposed to be deciding: whether President Trump or Joe Biden will make a better president.

ustice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died Friday at the age of 87. Her passing was not unexpected. On the contrary, her steadily worsening condition over the past several years left her increasingly incapacitated. After Donald Trump’s election in 2016, many on the Left expressed dismay that she chose to stay on the court rather than resign and let President Obama nominate her replacement.

Liberals feared she would die during Trump’s presidency, and her seat—which they regard almost as their sacrosanct property—would be in the hands of a Republican president and Republican-controlled Senate.

That fear proved prescient. But few expected the moment would come so close to the November election.

Ginsburg made a political calculation. Even on her deathbed, she was acutely aware of the political implications of her passing: she issued a statement expressing her “fervent wish” that she will “not be replaced until a new president is installed.” Given that she herself put the country in this difficult position, we should not allow our thinking to be clouded by any false sentimentality about her death. Rest in peace, Justice Ginsburg.

Now let’s move on.

Democrats may assume that Ginsburg’s dying wish is a given. And they will pretend that it is some time-honored precedent. With the election only six weeks away, they assume there just won’t be enough time to act.

If Trump loses in November, it would be politically impossible to nominate a replacement during his remaining lame-duck months in office. If he wins, much would depend on what happens with the elections for the Senate, which has the constitutional authority to approve any nominations to the Supreme Court under that body’s “advice and consent” power.

Republicans currently hold a slim majority of 53 seats in the Senate, with 45 Democrats and two Independents (Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Angus King of Maine—both of whom “caucus” and vote with the Democrats). In November, 23 Republicans and 12 Democrats will be on the ballot fighting to keep their seats. These considerations make any decisive action by the Republicans even more challenging.

But despite the apparent difficulty of doing so, the president should nominate, and Senate Republicans should confirm, a new Supreme Court Justice before the election on November 3.

It’s doable, and it would be the best outcome for the common good of the country.

Here’s why…

Read the entire article HERE.

Why Can’t We Talk About George Soros’s Plan To Remake America?

Via The Federalist

Since 2015, George Soros has been executing a plan to reshape the country through local district attorney elections by pumping unprecedented amounts of money into races that typically only see candidates spend in the low five figures.

Here’s why he has an interest in these local races. Soros is exploiting the reality that all politics are local in some way. To transform America, you have to transform the way towns and cities operate.

A recent exchange on Fox News involving former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Fox News host Harris Faulkner, Democrat commentator Marie Harf, and Fox commentator Melissa A. Francis made the hair on my arms stand up because I realized how many people were either unaware of what Soros is doing or have been silenced by the idea that it’s somehow antisemitic to criticize Soros’s political activity.

Criticizing People’s Political Actions Isn’t Racist
Before we dive into what Soros has done, we need to put the antisemitism argument to bed. Criticizing how an enormously wealthy individual uses his money to change a nation is not in any way related to criticism of that person’s ethnicity or religious beliefs. It’s simply an exercise of civic engagement, which is essential for any self-governing people.

The left’s assumption that questioning someone’s political spending is equivalent to questioning his dignity as a person is itself a deeply bigoted assumption, designed solely to silence dissent and shut down debate.

In the segment I referred to earlier, Gingrich brought up the indisputable fact that Soros has been spending what can only be described as unprecedented amounts of money on local races in recent years, with a goal of flipping DA races to far-left “progressive” candidates who will implement soft-on-crime policies that inevitably result in skyrocketing crime rates and violent criminals walking free.

In response, Harf and Harris objected: “George Soros doesn’t need to be a part of this conversation.” Harf went so far as to deny that Soros is buying these races, and Faulkner did not step in to correct her. The segment ends in awkward silence as a disappointed Gingrich remarks that it’s apparently “verboten” to speak about Soros on Fox News now.

Buying Prosecutors Who Are Soft on Crime

Since 2015, Soros has pumped tens of millions of dollars into local races in Texas, Colorado, California, Oregon, Washington, Florida, and New York, as well as swing states such as Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Arizona. In 2016, Soros spent $2,000,000 on a single sheriff race in Maricopa County, Arizona, helping the leftist candidate, Paul Penzone, win.

In Philadelphia, Soros spent an insane $1,700,000 to elect Larry Krasner DA. Soros has also given millions of dollars in grants to candidates in other states. These enormous contributions have a correspondingly enormous impact.

Although his efforts haven’t been universally successful, the vast majority of Soros-backed candidates have won with Soros donations pushing them across the finish line.

Read the entire article HERE.

REPORT: BLM Co-Founder Partnering Up With Pro-Communist Chinese Group

Via True Pundit

One of the co-founders of the official Black Lives Matter group, Alicia Garza, is reportedly partnering up with a Chinese organization that has deep ties to the Chinese Communist Party — and that group now appears to be funding one of Garza’s ventures, according to an investigation by the Daily Signal.

Garza is one of several co-founders of the official “Black Lives Matter” group, and in 2018, she launched a project called “Black Futures Lab,” which aims, its website says, to help activists in the black community maintain interest in civic participation and civic activism year-round. The group “gathers information about the ways that policy affects Black communities and one that uses that information creatively to educate and challenge policymakers.” It also lobbies on behalf of BLM’s interests at the local level.

The Daily Signal’s Mike Gonzalez, though, discovered that donations to the Black Futures Lab don’t seem to go directly to the foundation itself but rather to a group called the “Chinese Progressive Association” — a group that has deep ties to the Chinese Communist Party.

“According to an authoritative 2009 Stanford University paper tracing its early days to the present, and which can be found on, ‘The CPA began as a Leftist, pro-People’s Republic of China organization, promoting awareness of mainland China’s revolutionary thought and workers’ rights, and dedicated to self-determination, community control, and “serving the people,”‘” Gonzales reports.

Read the entire article HERE.

America’s China Class Launches a New War Against Trump

Via Tablet Magazine

The corporate, tech, and media elites will not allow the president to come between them and Chinese money

Chances are that by the time you get to the end of this article, there will be news of another information operation targeting Donald Trump. There’s one a day now—each trumpeting a new mortal threat to the republic or some dastardly revelation based on sources that are usually anonymous. Whatever it is, it will serve the same purpose as the hundreds of similar sallies launched over the last four years—namely, to preserve and protect the position and privileges of America’s ruling elite.

Trump stories are rarely about Trump. The same stories, or versions of them, would have targeted anyone who threatened to sever the American political, corporate, and cultural elite’s economic lifeline to the Chinese Communist Party. It is largely because Trump sought to decouple the United States from the CCP that America’s China Class, which owns the platforms on which Americans communicate, has waged a relentless campaign of information warfare against him through its social media and prestige media brands.

Consider the last two anti-Trump info ops: He gratuitously denigrated the historical suffering of African Americans, and he expressed contempt for America’s war dead. These are the sort of false allegations that political operatives are tasked to manufacture and disseminate during election season. Their purpose is to reinforce a negative impression of the opposing party among whatever cohort is being addressed, and make the target spend resources—time and money and sometimes blood—on defense. That’s politics 101, since the time of the Romans.

What’s new is that this is now journalism too. Since the internet defunded the press at the end of the 20th century and social media became the dominant player in America’s information space, journalism has abandoned the traditional standards and practices that once defined reporting. For instance, the smear holding that Trump is contemptuous of the military was supposedly based on four anonymous sources recalling exchanges from three years ago, which have been contradicted by dozens of named sources, some of whom were physically present when the comments were supposedly made—and some of whom have been public Trump opponents. In traditional journalistic terms, that’s not a news story—that’s a failed attack line.

The press that existed in America from the end of the 19th century until the turn of this one was designed to inform, influence, and sometimes inspire or inflame fellow citizens. But for people under 30, the only kind of “journalism” they’ve ever known is more like Pravda in the old Soviet Union or the kinds of party media found throughout the Third World. Journalism is an insider’s game, in which the stories are often outlandish, but rarely true; their actual news value is the hints they may offer about shadowy maneuverings that affect people’s lives but take place out of public view, like the rise or fall of a particular colonel who is pictured standing closer to or farther away from El Caudillo or Al Rais. Stories aren’t about the realities they purport to depict; the real stories are always the stories about the story.

American journalists, who now draw their paychecks directly and indirectly from the country’s largest economic interest—technopolies like Amazon, Apple, Google, and Facebook—are now turning the public sphere into a phantasmagoria of conspiracy theories and hysteria to cement the politburo’s position and privilege.

Read the entire article HERE.


Biden Forgets To Put On Clothes, Media Praises His Majestic Outfit

Via The Babylon Bee (Satire)

KISSIMMEE, FL—Joe Biden was taken out of the cooler in his campaign bus to give a speech at a campaign stop today, but oops! He forgot to put on clothes.

No worries for the Biden campaign, though. The media quickly praised his “regal” and “elegant” outfit, calling it “majestic” and “presidential.”

“Look at that perfect business suit he’s wearing — looks like real presidential material to me!” said one CNN reporter before going off to write a puff piece on Kamala Harris’ shoes.

“He’s quite a dresser — really knows how to wear that stylish and elegant suit well,” whispered an MSNBC reporter. “Well done, Joe. Well done indeed.”

But one young boy who wandered into the campaign event, thinking it to be a fun clown show, took one look at Biden and shouted, “Hey, he’s not wearing any clothes!”

The other journalists all turned and looked at him, shocked at his gaslighting.

“Get him!” they cried. But, instead of tackling him, they observed social distancing guidelines and simply went after his old tweets.

Check out all of the Bee’s takes on politics and culture HERE.

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