Joe Biden Jinxes His Campaign With Bold Victory Prediction

Democrats don’t learn anything from their mistakes. 4 years ago they got their asses handed to them because they ran an old rich white brain damaged establishment candidate with a ton of baggage against Trump. Now they are running and older rich whiter swampier candidate with more brain damage and more baggage against Trump and expect to win. Along those same lines, 4 years ago Hillary Clinton jinxed her chances with a tweet predicting her win 8 days before the election. Guess what? Joe Biden just did the same damn thing.

Joe has done his best to submarine his campaign with the lies, the incoherence, and the crazy, but this is all he needed:

Clearly Biden did not write this tweet because if he did it would read: “In 8 million days the dog-faced pony soldiers will challenge President Bush to a push-up contest.” Also, most of those words would be spelled wrong.

Even though his handlers crafted this bold prediction, it won’t stop it from dropping the jinx on Joe Joe the talking chimp. This is like celebrating a touchdown when he’s on the 50 yard line surrounded by defenders.

Biden loves using ancient sayings and phases so he should know it’s malarky to count his chickens before they hatch. Actually, he should know a lot of things like who he’s running against, what office he’s running for, and where he is, but he doesn’t. Again, just because Biden is blissfully unaware of the reality around him, won’t stop this tweet from dooming his already doomed presidential bid.

In another tweet composed by his people, Joe lies that he knows things:

He knows this country? This following begs to differ:

Joe thinks Nevada is New Hampshire but…

…he thinks New Hampshire is Iowa but…

…he thinks Iowa is Ohio but…

…he thinks Ohio is Michigan.

Biden also thinks New Hampshire is Vermont but..

…he thinks California is Nevada which makes it New Hampshire somehow.

In addition, Joe thinks there is a place called North South Carolina. Does this stuff come from someone who knows anything about America?

He knows the people? Since when? He thinks his sister is his wife, that Trump is George Bush or George Lopez, and can’t remember Mitt Romney’s name. I bet there isn’t one single American that Joe could identify by name.

Also, if Joe had any healing powers, why would he use them on his own head?

The good thing for Joe is that after he loses the election, he’ll have no recollection of any of it. He won’t be crushed like Hillary Clinton who still can’t let it go 4 years later. November 4th will be just like any other day with his wife changing his diaper and then spoon feeding him oatmeal because they kind find his teeth.