Even After Media-Declared Defeat, President Trump’s Popularity Grows

Yesterday, Def-Con News brought you 10 Reasons Why The 2020 Election Results Are Fake and here’s #11: Even after the liberal media had declared President Trump the loser of the election his approval rating went up. We’re supposed to believe that a president with a job approval rating over 50% lost the election to Joe Biden, a guy who his own supporters don’t like? It seems highly unlikely.

A post-election Harvard CAPS/Harris poll shows that President Trump’s approval rating soared to it highest level ever at over 50%. Think about that for a second: the liberal media declared that Trump lost the election and has been hammering him to concede because the fate of democracy hangs in the balance, and yet he’s more popular than he’s ever been.

With the liberal media demonizing Trump for 4 years, the democrats attempting to overthrow him for 4 years, a pandemic with an economic downturn, and a reported election loss, Trump’s popularity has actually grown. This indicates that the democratic party’s propaganda ministry isn’t as influential as they think they are.

This also points to the fact that Americans do believe that there is some validity to Trump challenging the results of the election. In fact, a Rasmussen poll recently found that nearly half the country thinks that democrats stole the election:

Forty-seven percent (47%) say it’s likely that Democrats stole votes or destroyed pro-Trump ballots in several states to ensure that Biden would win…

Trump’s approval rating averaged around 40% for most of his presidency, with a high of 49% and a low of 39%. To hit over 50% after the media declared him the loser indicates that the American people wanted him to get 4 more years.

Comparing that with a recent Monmouth poll that showed only 35% of Americans were happy that Joe Biden was announced the winner of the 2020 election and the mystery deepens. In that same poll, only 57% of people who actually voted for Biden were happy he won. How does someone this unpopular defat someone like Trump who is wildly popular?

The 2020 election makes even less sense when we look at these 2 statistics:

Prior to the 2012 election, Barack Obama’s popularity was around 40% and yet he still kicked the crap out of Mitt Romney to win election.

Prior to the 2020 election Trump’s job approval rating averaged at 49% with Rasmussen giving him 52% and yet he supposedly lost his reelection bid.

As the liberal media dismisses President Trump’s claims of voter fraud, those 2 numbers above prove that something seriously underhanded went down in this election. The fact that Trump’s numbers are going up after this election theft only reinforces it.

Those stats could also point to democrats stealing the 2012 election, which comes as a shock to no one.

Putting it all together, the liberal media narrative is that Joe Biden, a man who nobody likes, was never good enough to win, and who did nothing to earn it, walked all over President Trump, who is extremely popular, has a proven winning record, and who campaigned his ass off. If that seems impossible, that’s because it is.

If Joe Biden legitimately won the 2020 election, the numbers would look nothing like they do. He would be popular, people would be happy he won, Trump would be despised, and nobody would think the election was rigged. The opposite is true, which says democrats stole the White House.