Monday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Happy Monday Deplorables!

Fake Pandemic, Fake Casedemic, then Fake Pandemic … And the Fraud Continues

By Gary D. Barnett

The population at large has seemingly lost all ability to think in any critical manner, but the underlying problem that is supporting this travesty is that people have not only lost this ability to think, but have lost any desire to do so. This has set the stage for the biggest fraud in world history to take place, and this fraud is so obvious as to border on the absurd.

The truth is available for all to see, but mental weakness and blindness has hidden all aspects of reality from the common man to such an extent that lies and deceit serve the function of fact and truth. A complete reversal of meaning has emerged, and captured the now impotent minds of the masses. In light of this, all manner of tyranny is possible, which necessarily indicates that all manner of tyranny will prevail. This is the dilemma we find ourselves in today, and one that if not rectified will end in disaster.  Fear has replaced courage, ignorance has replaced intellect, dependence has replaced self-responsibility, collectivism has replaced individuality, master has become slave, and slave has become master.

We are now at the end of the first cycle of this propagandized false flag event called a ‘virus pandemic,’ which began with a telegraphed fake pandemic and then became a fake casedemic. We are now at the end of the testing casedemic period; the very apparent next stage will be a claimed more deadly pandemic than the last, and the fraud will continue until total control over people can be realized. This is actually not a complicated plot, but it does rely on a weak, ignorant, and beaten down populace that is more interested in their smart phones and social network status than in their own liberty. How could any intelligent society fall into the trap of becoming such a pathetic and self-absorbed herd? Only by the destruction of intellect could this have taken place.

All government abuse today is being based upon a ‘testing’ process that uses a polymeraze chain reaction (PCR) technique to amplify an infinitesimal amount of RNA or DNA by millions of times in order to supposedly gain a full analysis of the sample. The developer of this technique, Kary Mullis, a brilliant biochemist, won the Nobel Prize in chemistry for inventing this PCR method, but he has emphatically stated that this was never to be used to diagnose infectious disease because it is impossible to do so with this test.

“If they could find this virus in you, at all, the PCR, if you do it well, can find almost anything in anybody. It starts making you believe in the Buddhist notion that everything is contained and everything else. If you can amplify one single molecule up to something you can really measure, which PCR can do, then there’s just very few molecules that you don’t have at least one of in your body.”

“A PCR is just a process to make a whole lot of something out of something.”

“It doesn’t tell you that you are sick, it doesn’t tell you that the thing you ended up with was really going to hurt you.”

In other words, a PCR Test cannot under any circumstances, diagnose viruses of any kind, and certainly cannot diagnose SARS CoV-2 (Covid-19) in anyone. This knowledge alone should be enough if accepted by a large percentage of society, to stop this vast deadly conspiracy being perpetrated against the American public and the world. According again to Kary Mullis:

“Guys like Fauci get up there and start talking; He doesn’t know anything really about anything.” “The man thinks that he can take a blood sample and stick it in an electron microscope, and if it’s got a virus in there you will know it. He doesn’t understand electron microscopy, and medicine, and he should not be in the position like he’s in.”

“Those guys have an agenda!” They make up their own rules as they go, they change them when they want to, and they smugly, like Tony Fauci, does not mind going on television in front of the people that pay his salary, and lie directly into the camera.”

This same process, and similar health frauds have been used in the past to stoke fear in order to make huge amounts of money, and to gain much more control over humanity. This happened certainly with the swine flu scam, in that there was no pandemic of any kind, and all was a fraud, but over 40 million Americans were vaccinated, and with many adverse and deadly consequences. With just one death claimed to be from the Swine Flu, pandemic scare tactics went into effect. Similar to today, a second wave was said to be imminent, and bogus projections were made and delivered to the unsuspecting populace. Does this sound familiar?

“With the swine flu expected to resurface later in the fall, federal officials feared an even deadlier pandemic than that of nearly 60 years earlier. U.S. Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare F. David Mathews projected 1 million Americans would die in the 1976 flu season unless action was taken. Citing the “strong possibility” of a swine flu pandemic, CDC Director David Spencer recommended an unprecedented plan: a mass vaccination of U.S. citizens.”

Déjà vu is alive and well, but even F. David Mathews recommendation in 1976 was not unprecedented as stated above, as mass vaccination was evident during the so-called Spanish Flu in 1918, and much research suggests that the tens of millions of deaths at that time were due to vaccination and not any virus. Is this what is planned for this bogus pandemic called Covid-19? Is this a plot to advance ‘population control’ due to immune system destruction, sickness, and death caused by mass vaccination?

The evidence is clear. The virus pandemic is a scam. Total deaths are unchanged. The virus testing is completely fraudulent, this according to the person that invented the PCR methodology, and all the economic, mental, and health destruction is not only unnecessary, but is criminal.

Read the entire article HERE.

The Very Qualified Mr. Gates

By Ben Garrison/Grrr Graphics

The Experts Are Always Right?

I’m often called a ‘conspiracy theorist,’ but what we’ve all seen unfold before our eyes the past few years makes it clear that they’re not theories. They are real conspiracies being carried out by the elitists at the top of the pyramid.

We’ve seen an attempted coup, the blatant rigging of a presidential election, and a plannedemic designed to ruin our country ahead of the ‘Great Reset.’

Believing in ‘America First,’ makes us all Nazis somehow. General Mattis even said Biden’s first goal should be to take ‘America First’ out of our national security policy. Really? That sounds like something a mad dog would say.

Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau has come out and announced his support for Agenda 30. I remember not too long ago how anyone mentioning the UN Agendas were immediately denounced as conspiracy theorists.

What the elitists want will not be pleasant for the vast majority of us. The worst thing they have planned is a mandatory COVID-19 vaccine. Just a few years ago anyone like me who were warning about mandatory vaccines were discredited as a conspiracy theorists and nut jobs. Now it’s being mentioned by the mass media and people are already welcoming it in order to get things ‘back to normal.’

There is nothing normal about vaccination in general, but making it mandatory is downright dystopian. If we go along, elitists such as Bill Gates will roll out new viruses and announce never-ending vaccines for us. OH—and we’ll still have to wear their masks, which damages us both mentally and physically. What happens when people start dropping dead a few years after taking the vaccines? The elitists will say it’s due to a new strain of virus and not their vaccines and that the solution is more vaccines! Yes, it will get that nutty.

The vaccines will contain unspeakable evil such as aborted fetal tissue, nano technology, and DNA-changing elements. Not to mention adjuvants that are downright poisonous to our bodies. These vaccines will make many sick right after getting jabbed. Some may die, but the vaccine makers can’t be sued. Huh? How did we allow Congress to give them special dispensation? It means Big Pharma can rush vaccines out without fear. It means a lessening of their responsibility and accountability. It means they have become even more dangerous.

Bill Gates is the biggest vaccine pusher in the world. A confirmed nerd, Bill was bullied as a child. Now he wants to bully the world using forced vaccination. He will have extracted sweet revenge on humanity when he forces his mandatory vaccines upon the Earth and millions begin dropping dead because of them.

We all need to have the final say about what goes into our bodies. If we lose that right, we will lose everything…including our very lives. Say no to Bill Gates and vaccines.

Check out all of Ben’s great cartoons and commentary HERE.

The World Economic Forum: Corporate Propaganda & Indoctrination Into The Great Reset

Via The Sons Of Liberty

The World Economic Forum (WEF), through its corporate partnerships, has a plan to indoctrinate every citizen on its Great Reset agenda.  According to the WEF, we must all live sustainable lives, with equality in all aspects of life, and that as a result, life will be much better for all.  What isn’t mentioned is that it will be corporations, elitists, and most importantly technocrats who will be making the decisions on exactly how this utopian world will work.  Corporate propaganda and indoctrination have been prepping the common people on this for years, enough to the point where the masses have bought into this group think about sustainability.

Created by the United Nations (UN) in 1992, Agenda 21, and its expansion through the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), have led to WEF’s ability to execute its Great Reset initiative.  Global corporations that are members of both the UN and WEF are fully on board to advance this initiative.  Through corporate influence, smaller businesses will be forced to comply.  If not, those smaller businesses will be forced out, currently underway.

There are eighteen WEF platforms covering every aspect it intends to change in the world, one of which is Shaping the Future of Media, Entertainment and Sport.  This is the platform used for propaganda on sustainability, how society needs to reset their lives and what needs to change for sustainable living, and what WEF predicts for the future.  Other ominous aspects to this platform are the censoring, banning, and revision of information, not only through corporate advertising but also through its partnerships with media outlets such as Facebook, Google, the New York Times, and many others.

In July 2020, the WEF released a white paper, Building Back Better: An Action Plan for the Media, Entertainment and Culture Industry, outlining its objectives.  Described as an “ecosystem” industry, emphasis is placed on businesses being responsible for accelerating their digital transformation which meets the WEF 4th Industrial Revolution goals.  In turn, the “global” SDGs will be supported by building “sustainable partnerships” that will establish “sustainable governance”.  In essence, this document is a blueprint for media and entertainment industries and how sustainable ideology is incorporated into business practices.

Multi-national companies joined together to form the World Federation of Advertisers (WFA).  Its leaders are from various industry sectors, with many of its corporate members already WEF partners.  WFA is closely aligned with the UN as well, including the World Health Organization (WHO).  As an example, WFA and WHO have worked together,  manipulating advertising that targets children’s eating habits.  The United States Association of National Advertisers (ANA) is also a WFA member.  Regulatory actions for privacy and data protection for key markets are even being discussed between the WFA and the United States.  If it has ever been pondered where ideological advertising originates, look no further than the WFA.  All of this advertising has been strategically designed to influence society on sustainable living based on the SDGs while influencing other businesses to do the same.

WFA isn’t the only nefarious advertising group in this cartel, it also founded the Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM) which is championed by the ANA CMO Growth Council for societal good, which will scale up WEF  efforts in Shaping the Future of Media, Entertainment and Sports Platform.  In particular, this partnership addresses “harmful and misleading media while protecting consumers and brands” and “ensure that consumers and their data are protected online within a healthier media ecosystem.”  In other words, they will be the watchdog and control what information is allowed for publication and what the public is allowed to know.

GARM members include advertisers, media companies and platforms, and industry organizations, and will also address harmful media environments including disinformation.  Through its media partnerships, this control over information is already occurring with censorship, banning, and fact-checking.  Not to be left out, the WEF has its own Global Digital Content Safety project that highlights “best practices for processes of categorizing, detecting, reporting, and governing content”, again for “social good“.  One WEF project that highlights these efforts is on vaccine information as vaccine resistance is considered a major threat to public health, businesses, and the economy.  Business leaders will have a critical role in building vaccine literacy and confidence in the public.  Expect more difficulty in finding vaccine information contrary to what the WEF believes you should know.

WFA believes that that GARM is the best vehicle for “driving lasting change in the behaviour” and conditioning society to adopt the SDGS.  The whole purpose of this initiative is just for these reasons.

Read the entire article HERE.

The Fallacy of Perpetual Protest

Via American Greatness

Hardcore black Democrats are the new Palestinians. Most are so consumed with revenge, hate, and self-pity; it is impossible for them to function as a proper part of society.

In March 1988, I witnessed one of the saddest spectacles of my life. I saw four police officers pry open door 303 at the infamous Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee and forcibly evict a poor, single, black woman named Jacqueline Smith from the only home she had known for 11 years. It was televised. It was a spectacle.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was murdered at the Lorraine Motel on April 4, 1968. The motel had been purchased at auction and was to be repurposed into a civil rights museum. Smith had challenged her eviction, believing that Martin Luther King, a man who had championed the plight of the poor, would have sided with her and not the money-grubbing capitalist there to profit from his murder. She swore never to leave her room voluntarily. She had been offered better employment and better housing. She refused. She swore she would resist every step of the way.

She kept her word. Smith did not make her removal easy. As four female police officers picked her up by each of her limbs carrying her down the stairs and off the property, she kicked, screamed, flailed about making their job as difficult as possible.

After moving Smith and all of her possessions to the curb and threatening her with jail if she ever stepped foot on the property again, Smith made a vow to never leave that spot and to protest until her eviction is overturned. That was 32 years ago.

Jacqueline Smith is still there protesting. As the world continued to spin, something kept her trapped in the time loop of 1988. Some say it is conviction and courage. Others will say it is pride and hate. During these decades, while others went to college and trade schools to become mechanics, doctors, teachers, and parents, she has stayed on that spot, selling trinkets and protesting. She says she is still poor and still angry. “Thirty years on,” she told an interviewer, “I still feel the same.”

Smith is a visual representation of black America and the fallacy of endless and perpetual protest. As America has moved on to become tremendously prosperous and powerful,the black community remains trapped in a time warp where it trades prosperity, happiness, and freedom for the prison of endless protest.

Rich liberals, while enjoying their own lives, see Smith as a martyr to their cause. She’s someone they can use. Therefore, they see her as someone to be respected, revered, and even lionized. Conservatives see her as a tragic figure, consumed with pride, hatred, and an inability to forgive—the symbol of a wasted life and all that a wasted life entails: anger, sadness, and regret.

Hardcore black Democrats are the new Palestinians. Most are like Smith. They are so consumed with revenge, hate, and self-pity, it is impossible for them to function as a proper part of society. They have become dysfunctional and undisciplined instead of steeling themselves to obey the laws that most other Americans follow effortlessly. Instead, they are now fighting to defund the police so they can break the law without consequence.

For the past six months, America has witnessed raw and in living color, the hidden society that liberal Democrats consider normal. Rioting, murder, and thuggery. Democrats have started every riot in America over the past 60 years. Watts, Detroit, Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, even Charlottesville. Now they are rioting, looting, burning, and killing all over the country.

Isn’t it amazing that conservatives of all races never riot? We may demonstrate but we don’t riot. Why? Because we do not trust the government. We know the government cannot fix our problems. We will demonstrate to remind the government of what will happen to it if it attempts to infringe, abridge, or violate our unalienable rights.

Observing the spectacle of the past six months, you can see how some believe leftists to be full of hate. Their hatred is toxic and contagious. As in Herman Melville’s Moby Dick, when the hateful Captain Ahab infected the once peaceful crew of the Pequod with the deadly disease of revenge, anti-Christian leftists have infected once-peaceful Americans. Even in death, the corpse of the hate-filled Ahab summoned the crew of the Pequod to their deaths. Likewise, Democrats are using the corpses of long-dead Confederate Democrats and their victimized slaves to summon America to its demise.

Black Democrats have learned well from their former masters and present oppressors how to hate and justify all manner of evil because of perceived or imaginary injustice. They are on a rampage seeking revenge against dead and imaginary foes. They are summoning all of America to follow them to Hell. We must resist at all costs.

C. S. Lewis said all suffering originates from the sin of pride. He calls pride the most damnable sin. It is no coincidence that all of the left-wing movements, whether they be the feminist, black, LGBTQ, use the word “pride” to describe their purpose. Thus, the sin of pride has sidetracked the black community from God’s purposes. The healing acts of forgiveness, love, and forbearance are forgotten by Democrats. For decades now, they have been replaced by the pestilence of hatred, revenge, and self-pity.

There comes a time in one’s life when the law of diminishing returns is inescapable: When is the input more than the output? Someone is profiting from this, and it isn’t black Americans. The black community is dying from a festering wound of hatred, not racism. Democrats have always picked at this wound and then profited from the pain.

Read the entire article HERE.

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