Alyssa Milano Says Wearing Masks Offers More Protection Than An AR-15

Liberalism is a cult in which membership requires surrendering all individuality and critical thought to believe in nonsense designed to mask self-loathing. It’s not all horrible though as there are many sub-cults they can have fun with. One is the Cult of the Mask and another is the Cult of Gun Control. Semi-employed actress Alyssa Milano has found a way to put these 2 together by claiming that wearing a mask offers more protection than owning an AR-15.

Like the genius who put chocolate in peanut butter to invent Reece’s, Alyssa Milano found a way combine anti-gun hysteria with coronavirus hysteria:

I guess that depends on what you need protection from. If it’s armed intruders or a rabid varmint, then the AR-15 offers more protection. If it’s covering up a botched nose job or a bit chilly, then a mask offers more protection.

The mask however does not offer more protection from COVID-19 and that’s not even the stated purpose of mask wearing. We were all told to wear masks to protect others, not ourselves. The mask stops an infected person from releasing airborne particles that can make other people sick. The mask does not stop airborne particles from making the wearer sick.

Milano is so brainwashed by the cult that she doesn’t even know why she believes the goofy things she says.

Unsurprisingly, she’s also wrong about the effectiveness of an AR-15 in protecting against the coronavirus. With an effective range of 1968.5 feet, the AR-15 is the ultimate social distancing tool. The experts only recommend that we stay 6 feet apart.

As an added bonus, this mask/gun comparison is a Constitutional mess. Americans have the 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms and the 1st Amendment right to free expression. That means that we can own AR-15s for whatever reason we want, not just protection, and we can also tell the government to get bent when they try to dictate what kind of accessories, like masks, we wear.

Milano has bought into all of the coronavirus hysteria as directed by the liberal cult masters, so she’s 100% behind the lockdowns and behavior control that goes with it. I managed to find this other gun-related tweet in her timeline that seems more appropriate for COVID-19:

Just replace “guns” with “lockdowns” and that’s the smartest thing Milano has ever said. Thanks to democrats and their anti-science mandates, this the reality for far too many Americans. It’s actually kind of eerie that she almost predicted 2020 a year ago.

Alyssa Milano’s masks/guns comparison defies all logic, but that’s kind of bullshit that comes from being a brainwashed member of a cult. I’m sure her next tweet will claim that flooding the country with illegal aliens offers more protection against COVID-19 than restricting federal funding for abortions.