Trump’s time in the White House may almost be up but that doesn’t mean the Trump Derangement Syndrome is dying down. Democrats are still trying to impeach the President with about 2 weeks left in his presidency and one democrat is demanding that Trump and his whole administration be treated like “negroes.” I wonder what these kooks are going to do with all of their insanity when Trump isn’t around anymore.
Proving that the mental health crisis is real, Rep. Hank Johnson went on Dean Obeidallah’s podcast with this bit of craziness:
“It would be detrimental to our Party that for the sake of unity, which doesn’t exist, the Biden administration or leadership would say, ‘ Well, Trump did some bad things but let’s look forward.’ …It would be so destructive to our party if that’s the take or the way we go,” said Obeidallah, Obama’s former Muslim go-to guy.
Saying that it would be detrimental to the democratic party if Biden didn’t try to prosecute Trump for imaginary crimes is a nice way to set off an unhinged rant and Johnson was up to the task:
“You can’t let this behavior slide, you can’t ignore it and hope that it’s not going to happen again because you see what’s shaping up for the future with guys like Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz and others who are looking to turn the Trump Republican Party into the Trump Republican party on steroids,” Johnson said.
Now wait for it…
“We have got to make sure that those who come after Donald Trump know that they will not be allowed to get away with what Donald Trump did, that they will be held accountable. They will be treated, yes, like ‘negroes’ – they will be perp-walked to the jail, hands handcuffed not in front of them but behind them. They will be booked, fingerprinted, have to make bond, and have to hire a lawyer just like everyone else who go through the system,” Johnson said.
He just described the way all people of every color are treated when they get arrested. Most everyone who has ever gone through this in the history of our country have been white. It would be racist if anyone other than a democrat were to suggest that being black is synonymous with being a criminal.
“The system feasts on black folks, but for once it needs to turn its attention to what this man has done to turn our country into something that we just don’t need to let it get to,” said Johnson.
If by “feasting on black folks” he means that the justice system convicts people of crimes they have committed, then Johnson is right. Of course he doesn’t mean that so he’s wrong. And crazy.
“He can’t be allowed to get away with it because if we allow him to get away it there will be others who try to do the same thing, and we don’t even what them to think about doing what Trump has done,” finished Johnson.
Get away with what? Johnson doesn’t say, but he ignoring the fact that his party spent 4 years of accusing, investigating, and impeaching President Trump for imaginary crimes. He didn’t get away with shit because there was only shit to begin with.
With no more Trump, the liberal media will have no fake news to report, late night TV comedians will have no content, and democrats will have no outlet for their TDS. I bet they are second-guessing stealing the election for Joe Biden because all they’ve really done is make themselves irrelevant.