So Where’s All the Bloodshed?

Where are the armed bands of so-called Nazis shooting everything up? Where is the sniper that put a round through Biden’s empty cranium? Riots? Looting?
Nowhere to be found, nothing to hear. Just crickets.

The liberal media likes to portray all of us Deplorables as violent maniacs. But as usual, they are incorrect. Look in a mirror, you Demwitted assholes. You’ll see who the real maniacs are. Everything that they expected on Butthole Joe’s inauguration did not happen. The two divisions of the National Guard that were present were not needed.

Nothing happened.

Even lame-ass Yahoo News had to admit it:

“WASHINGTON – There were few protesters and no crowds or violence Wednesday as Joe Biden was sworn in as the nation’s 46th president against a backdrop of historic security.”

Now let’s look back to Trump’s inauguration.

No need for words here. I’ll just post a screen shot of image results from a Google search of “Trump inauguration protests.”

I know the photos are small, but I’m sure you can see there are fires everywhere, screaming idiots frothing at the mouth, and destruction.

So once again, who are the tolerant ones? Liberals? Apparently not. Apparently we Deplorables are not so deplorable after all.

I used to play a lot of sports when I was younger. When you won, you did it with humbleness. When you lost, you accepted it (as long as you did the best you could and the other side didn’t cheat) and congratulated the winner.

What I see in the pictures above is a collection of spoiled little bratty cunts causing chaos because “Orange Man Bad.”

“Waaaaah! We didn’t get our way! Let’s break things and set things on fire!”

In other words, throw a hissy fit.

Poor losers.

Well, conservatives lost this one, or more correctly, were cheated out of a victory.

Yet there are no riots, etc.

And as for being a bad loser, I’d admit defeat and shake Biden’s hand if he and his ilk hadn’t cheated.

Unfortunately, this isn’t a game. This inauguration could mean the eventual transformation of our beloved United States into a communist regime.

God forbid if it ever comes time to be not so polite.

Because I feel it is coming.