Alert! President Biden Impeachment?

Payback is a Nancy Pelosi, if you get what I mean.  Well, hey Nan, you created this slime ball abuse of power.  Will this Impeachment fly in January 2021?  Maybe not, but our Republican Representatives can always re-initiate this payback in January 2023 after the Republicans have re-taken the House and the Senate.

Before It’s News reports:

Articles Filed Against Him At His First Day In Office

Report: Thursday, January 21, 2021 20:50

Alert! President Biden Impeachment? Articles Filed Against Him At His First Day In Office via Tim Henderson

A newly elected Republican member of Congress has filed articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden on his first full day in office.

U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Georgia) announced the stunt last week, and followed through on her promise Thursday, Jan. 21, a day after Biden’s inauguration. The Trump loyalist and QAnon conspiracy theorist accused Biden of “abuse of power” while serving as vice president under President Barack Obama.

Perhaps sports fans will begin to keep Impeachment statistics on their favorite politicians.  Like how many times in one season or a career a politician is impeached.  And which politician can garner the most impeachments initiated against their fellow colleagues from across the aisle.  And how about Hits, Homeruns, Bases-on-Balls, Unforced Errors?   Dang I love a good old fashioned sports metaphor.  I can see America having a great deal of fun with this new toy that Representative Pelosi has introduced to us.

But how long will this last?  I mean, the lesson here is, you play with something long enough and hard enough, it breaks.  Right?  Well, Nancy, you started this fiasco.  With a little luck it’ll get broke off in your you-know-where.

Hold on to your seats Sports Fans.  We’ve got us a whole new season startin’ up.  Popcorn and peanuts and cracker jacks….