“Deep State Went Through With Highest Of Crimes!! The Truth Everyone Overlooked!!”

I’m writing to encourage Def-Con readers to keep the faith.  As outlined by Michael Tichenor in the enclosed video posted January 22, 2021,10:04pm, on Before It’s News, The United States is at a critical time in its history.  Tichenor calls the inauguration “theatrics.”  He reminds us that the military members who were lined up alongside the street turned their backs on the Biden motorcade.  Tichenor calls Biden the Commander in Thief.  Others have called Biden the Perpodent.

Also, the incoming Biden team, as is required for an assuming leadership team, was supposed to receive an assemblage of special briefings.  However, the military has denied the Biden team access to the Pentagon.  What does this tell you?  Something seems amiss, yes?  Tichenor points out that “Joey B. is not our president.”

Trump Is Legitimate President!! (Must Video)

As for the main street media, aren’t we fully aware they are fake news?  Even Fox News has crossed that threshold and is now untrustworthy at best.

As reported on Before It’s News:

The Theatrical Inauguration people saw on the 20th was just that!! Theatre!! This is now a military operation so when these criminals get arrested for their multiple crimes President Trump can’t be looked at as a dictator!! These traitors always count their chickens before they hatch!! The Military and the Pentagon do NOT accept these people as their leader!! They turned their backs on all of them and more!! Ask yourself why on January 20th was President Trump boarding Marine One after he told the media that he will be seeing them again just like this?? And why CCP Joey had to charter a private flight?? Because it’s all fake!! Don’t buy into anything they say!!

Admittedly, I am searching for materials similar to that which is presented in the above YouTube.  My intent is that the information provided will give us hope, comfort, and strength following this stolen election.  And my encouragement is that this hope, comfort, and strength will be sufficient to carry us through this transition period.  Again, Keep the Faith!