SF Declares: Acronyms Are R.A.C.I.S.T.

The San Francisco school district has already renamed schools because black lives didn’t matter to Abraham Lincoln and Dianne Feinstein is a Confederate sympathizer, but they’ve really outdone themselves this time. They are ditching their performing arts program name, VAPA, because acronyms are racist. No, really.

ABC 7 brings the latest Bay Area liberal shame:

First the San Francisco School Board decided to rename 44 schools because they are named after people with ties to racism or slavery. Now the Arts Department has taken a bold move by changing its name, “VAPA” because they say, “acronyms are a symptom of white supremacy culture.”

So they got rid of the acronym “VAPA,” which is short for visual and performing arts.

From now on, they’ll simply be called SFUSD Arts Department.

Isn’t “SFUSD” an acronym? I think it stands for “Shut the F*ck Up U Stupid Democrats.”

“It is a very simple step we can take to just be referred to as the SFUSD Arts Department for families to better understand who we are,” said Director of the SFUSD Arts Department Sam Bass.

They’ve ditched an acronym because acronyms are racist and replaced it with another acronym, which apparently isn’t racist somehow. This is some kind of genius at work, people.

If you are wondering how acronyms (some acronyms) are racist, Bass was more than happy to explain:

“The use of so many acronyms within the educational field often tends to alienate those who may not speak English to understand the acronym,” said Bass.

It seems like a competent English as a Second Language (ESL) program would be a better fix to this non-problem, doesn’t it? He’s saying that some of their students don’t speak English, refuse to learn, and as such everything has to be dumbed down to appease them. Education is suppose to give kids more knowledge, not less.

Citing a scholarly-sounding paper titled “White Supremacy Culture,” Bass elaborated, “Our culture perpetuates racism when things continue to be written down in a certain way.”

So our English-speaking culture perpetuates racism by writing things in English? Is it safe to assume that English will be the next thing the SF school district gets rid of? They can replace it with “Grunting and Pointing” class, that way everybody can participate and no one feels alienated.

There are acronyms that represent racism like “KKK” and “DNC” but simply calling them the “Ku Klux Klan” of the “Democratic National Committee” doesn’t make them less racist. Besides, that’s not even what Bass is arguing. He’s not saying visual and performing arts are racist, just acronyms related to that.

Actually, he is saying the arts are racist. Check this out:

“We are prioritizing antiracist arts instruction in our work,” said Bass.

What the hell are antiracist arts? And if they are now prioritizing them, does that mean they used to prioritize racist arts? And again, what the hell are those?

I guess no more tie-dying klan robes or swastika ash trays in pottery class?

The dumbest thing about this is that sooner or later, liberals will decide that a lack of acronyms is racist. If everything is racist, and they think it is, eventually they’ll get around to the connection between no acronyms and white supremacy.