Stock Market About To Be Rocked By What’s Coming In February! Mainstream Media Is So Screwed!

Get ready Def-Con News readers for a wild and crazy February 2021.

If you thought 2020 was a tremendous ride, well things are going to become even more so. As explained by David Nino on Before It’s News, “February is going to be one helluva f****ing month.”

Wall Street money laundering? Booby Traps to safe guard against foreign interference in the U.S. election? A Director of National Intelligence investigation and report?

As Nino colorfully explains, President Trump’s Executive Order #13848 was a stroke of genius and is the impetus behind what will now occur throughout the month of February 2021.

The Countdown:

  • November 3, 2020–Election Day, Executive Order #13848 goes into effect and so does the 45 day DNI investigation into Election Fraud.
  • December 18, 2020–The investigation is complete and the writing of a detailed DNI report begins. 45 days (Note: Two additional days required to complete report).
  • February 3, 2021–The DNI report is completed and findings released.

Specifically what will transpire during the month of February 2021? Well, Executive Order #13848 established provisions for the seizure of all assets and imposition of sanctions against all perpetrators as well as those who conspired to bring about Foreign Interference in the United States 2020 elections. This includes all people we’ve been seeing in the news for the past many months as well as the Main Street Media.


Click HERE for a short entertaining video.

David Nino gives his uncensored view of what’s going to happen with the Stock Market

in February and why the Mainstream Media will finally receive their due comeuppance.

What say you Def-Con News readers? Many of you are still skeptical, requiring of proof, yes? Well, think of this article as a cautionary tale more so than the bearer of underlying proof.

The month of February 2021 may be a rough one. Activate your survivalist checklists and prepare. Prepare. Prepare. Prepare.