Rancher Reveals the Impacts of Biden Killing Border Wall Construction

The Biden administration seems determined to undo the accomplishments of President Trump. And the new regime is doing this by Biden signing dozens of Executive Orders. Hypocritical perhaps because Biden campaigned against excessive use of Executive Orders, stating that “he also feels it’s important to work with Congress–and not just one party, but both parties–to get things done.”

The Democrat goal, however, many believe, is to turn Texas blue. And a large influx of future voters from across the southern border is a quick way to make that happen.

One rancher stated, in an interview on Fox News and reported on The Western Journal on Monday, that many lives are being impacted by Joe Biden’s decision to halt the construction of the wall at the southern border. In this three minute interview with Fox News’ Lawrence Jones, the rancher makes an emotional appeal.

President Trump made it a key point in his 2016 election that not only was the United States going to build a wall at the southern border, but that the United States was going to make Mexico pay for it.

While the “Art of the Deal” author did not manage to get the dinero needed to fund the wall from our neighbors, funds from the defense budget were ultimately used to bring the project to fruition.

With much of the border wall completed, apprehensions at the border have dropped.

Although the southern border already has miles of fencing and barricades, large sections are left without any sort of divider between the two countries.

This lack of a divider allows illegal immigrants to cross into the United States relatively easily. Many are apprehended by the United States Border Patrol.

From the interview conducted by Lawrence Jones with a New Mexico rancher:

“Well, that’s been Trump’s motto through his campaign and through his administration, they were going to build a wall,” said the rancher.

“And it started in April of last year. And we were, you know, we were really excited that this was happening. And then as soon as President Biden took office, he pulled the plug on this project and it came to an immediate halt.”

Jones asked, “What was it you feel that told them, that got them to this position where they said that we didn’t need the wall anymore? Did you guys complain about it or other locals complaining about it?”

“Absolutely not. Everybody in our area is in favor of this wall because they’ve seen where it is worked, and that it does work,” the rancher replied.

“The wall works,” the rancher said. “This is all a politically driven agenda and what’s frustrating to me is the Biden administration, they’re stopping the wall, in my opinion, to try to hurt Trump’s legacy of securing the border. When in reality all it is doing is hurting the American people.”

“The wall works,” Jones agreed.

Biden issued a proclamation Jan. 20 calling the national security emergency declaration by the Trump administration “unwarranted” and saying that all development on a border wall had to be stopped. But many believe Biden simply intends to reverse President Trump’s immigration policies by signing executive orders.

“It shall be the policy of my Administration that no more American taxpayer dollars be diverted to construct a border wall. I am also directing a careful review of all resources appropriated or redirected to construct a southern border wall,” the proclamation said.

What say you Def-Con News readers? As the saying goes, ‘Good fences make good neighbors.” Authorities and citizens living in the border states, particularly the ones living near the border state that the wall works and that Biden’s actions have placed the American people in danger.