Biden Now Says We’ll Be Wearing Masks ‘Through Next Year’

On the campaign trail, Joe Biden said he was going to kick COVID-19’s ass on “day one.” Since he stole the White House however it’s been a constant walk-back with a lot of bar lowering. “Day one” became “100 days” and then “months.” Now it’s been extended to “years” as Biden is now saying we will have to wear masks well into 2022.

On his first day in office, Biden signed an executive order to mandate mask wearing on federal property, which he promptly violated a few hours later. He also encouraged all Americans to wear masks everywhere all the time for 100 days, because he found out he doesn’t have the authority to mandate that as well.

On Thursday, Biden gave a factually-challeneged speech at the National Institutes of Health, where he took credit for developing and distributing the COVID-19 vaccine even though that was all Trump. After 11 solid minutes of lies Biden got around to the mask issue:

“Masking is still the easiest thing to save lives. We need everyone to mask up and, by the way, I know it’s a pain in the neck but it’s a patriotic responsibility. We’re in the middle of a war with this virus. It’s a patriotic responsibility not only if you care about your family but your fellow Americans,” said Biden.

After shaming people for killing their loved ones, Biden went on to say that he was pressuring mask mandates where his authority wouldn’t allow.

“I’ve been calling on governors, Republican and democrat, mayors, Republican and democrat, local officials, institute mask mandates within your jurisdiction. We need everyone to do their part,” Biden said.

While touring the NIH facility, Biden took pre-approved questions from hand-seated reporters and let it slip how much longer he wants to force people to wear masks as reported by Fox News:

President Biden visited the National Institutes of Health complex on Thursday and he spoke about the U.S. vaccine supply and his goals for the rollout, but he also indicated that mask-wearing will likely be a reality for the next year. 

He told reporters that even though he was standing on stage about 10 feet from Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Francis Collins, he would continue to wear his mask. He said that wearing the mask “though the next year” can save a significant number of lives

100 days now looks more like 465 days, but it will probably be longer than that. Biden also walked back his quick economic recovery estimates by saying we won’t reach “full employment” for another 2 years.

In his speech, Biden said he would “listen to the scientists” to guide his pandemic policy. He was also asked by reporters about the COVID-19 virus mutations that the liberal media and democrats are using to scare the shit out of people.

As Reuters reports, the scientists are recommending a decade of lockdowns and behavioral control. Here’s the director of the COVID-19 Genomics UK consortium, Sharon Peacock:

“Once we get on top of (the virus) or it mutates itself out of being virulent – causing disease – then we can stop worrying about it. But I think, looking in the future, we’re going to be doing this for years. We’re still going to be doing this 10 years down the line, in my view,” said Peacock.

Guess what? This is permanent. Joe Biden has no intention to beat this virus. This is all about giving the democrats complete control over our lives by forcing us to be dependent upon the government. You can’t work or go to school, but here’s a check from Uncle Sam. Now shut up and behave yourself or that check is going to disappear.

First it was “day one” then it became “100 days” which turned into “through next year” to now “10 years down the line.” The only thing that is going to beat the coronavirus and get us back to normal is getting rid of the democrats in Congress and the White House. Until then, we’re locked down.