It is with great pleasure that I pass along this article this morning. A report has come out that President Trump has told friends that he has over 100 million dollars in support to build his own Social Media Platform.

This comes as he has been banned from Twitter for over a month now and many close to him like General Flynn have been permanently suspended and will never be back on again, as reported by Joshua Troiano on MediaRightNews.

Twitter CFO Ned Segal attributed Trump allegedly “inciting violence” for the reason of him being removed forever.

Segal said, “When you’re removed from the platform, you’re removed from the platform … Remember, our policies are designed to make sure that people are not inciting violenc

President Trump now seems to have the power and support from donors to build his own site as even some from Silicon Valley have reportedly had enough with Big Tech Censorship and are willing to support his Social Media venture financially.

Many Companies like Parler and Gab have arisen as options instead of Twitter but have problems with accessibility and the user interface.

What say you Def-Con News readers? If anyone can accomplish something like this in record time it’s President Trump. A new platform to be launched by Conservatives for Conservatives would be a breath of fresh air, to say the least. Imagine how many people will flee those unmentionable platforms! This could be a rebirth of Free Speech. De’ja vu all over again.