Hot New Trend: White Women Singing About White Privilege And Racism

Eating Tide Pods and dipping your testicles in soy sauce is so yesterday. The hot new Internet challenge is crazy white woman singing badly about how racist and privileged white people are. The only thing this needs is a catchy name like “The White Guilt Challenge” or “Race Shaming.” Hell, they should just call it “Honking.”

First up is this musically-challenged woman with a song about how all white people are racist:

“If you are white, yes you are racist even if you think you’re woke. We all benefit from oppression. Pretending you’re not racist only makes racism grow,” sings the woman.

Calling that a song or referring to what she was doing as “singing” was a little misleading. There is no flow, no melody or rhythm, and it doesn’t even rhyme. Still, I don’t know what else you would call it other than cringe-worthy.

Next up is this insane woman’s rendition of “If You’re Happy And You Know It.”

“If you don’t believe that there’s white privilege, please don’t teach. If you don’t believe that black lives matter, please don’t teach. If you don’t believe in systemic racism and how it negatively impacts our students of color and don’t want to help dismantle those systems, please don’t teach,” she sang.

Again, trying to force extra syllables into a song ruins the groove.

Apparently this second woman is a teacher, which is frightening for the future of our children. She should sing a song about how if you’re insane in the membrane, please don’t teach.

I can’t help but to notice that both of these women have “crazy eyes” and that’s not a coincidence. Eyes are the window to the soul and these two are bonkers to the core. These are not videos a rational or sane person would make.

The message they are trying to deliver in song is equally as nuts. Basically, all white people are racist because they are white and not because of any bigotry they may have. On top of which, the cure to this imagined racism, according to them, is for white people to admit to their racism and privilege and then *poof* racism disappears.

I’m sure the Black lIves Matter crowd loves the groveling and self-loathing here, but what they really want is cash money in the form of reparations. Sure, crazy white women kissing their collective ass is funny, but they want the dollar dollar bills, y’all.

While these videos seem like over-the-top liberal insanity, it is consistent with their mission. Liberals are sad/angry people who hate themeless and they only exist to make everyone as miserable as they are.

But hey, let’s give credit where credit is due. This new “Honking” challenge makes eating Tide Pods or the choking challenge seem a little less stupid.