Biden Shatters Record For Longest Time Without Holding First Press Conference

Do you sense that something is seriously amiss?

It is becoming increasingly difficult for Joe Biden’s handlers to continue the charade that is capable of carrying out the duties of the most powerful political office on the planet.

Throughout his five decades of swimming in the swamp, the former vice president has always been prone to gaffes and tripping over his own tongue but in the last two years, his frequent mental lapses have led many to question whether he may be experiencing signs of dementia.

Since being installed as the nation’s 46th president, Biden has largely been held back from public appearances that aren’t carefully managed to minimize the possibility that he could give the game away, and on Wednesday, his team went to extreme lengths to prevent him from self-destructing.

During a virtual event where Biden was speaking with House Democrats, he went off-script at the end by inviting questions leading to the hasty pulling of the plug on the “leader” of the free world.

Via Fox News, “White House cuts virtual event feed after Biden says he’s ‘happy to take questions’ from House Democrats”:

The White House raised eyebrows on Wednesday when it suddenly cut the feed of a virtual event after President Biden said he was “happy to take questions” from Democratic lawmakers.

Accompanied by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. and the House Democratic Caucus, Biden addressed lawmakers on the topics of COVID relief and the ongoing vaccine rollout. He closed his remarks by calling on Democrats to help “restore faith” in government.

He then appeared ready to take questions.

“I’d be happy to take questions if that’s what I’m supposed to do, Nance,” Biden told the speaker. “Whatever you want me to do.”

The feed ended seconds later, after a brief pause from the president.

The White House did not immediately respond to Fox News’ request for comment.

Perhaps Biden’s handlers were wary of exposing him to questions after he referred to the Republican governors of Texas and Mississippi for “Neanderthal thinking” after they defied him by loosening COVID restrictions but it was a bizarre move that will only fuel the skeptics.

Judging by how the plug was pulled on lunchbucket Joe, it is ever more apparent that the 78-year Biden has lost way more than a step as was evident by his strange behavior on the campaign trail including several angry confrontations with voters and insulting a teenaged girl by calling her a “lying dog-faced pony soldier” while the entire media was complicit in the scam.

Fortunately for the Democrats, the COVID crisis was like a gift from the heavens, shifting the focus away from their stumbling, bumbling candidate and allowing them to keep him safely locked down in the basement of his Delaware mansion until the month before the election.

However, people are beginning to notice that the first six weeks of Biden’s presidency has been more like a sequel to “Weekend At Bernie’s” than “The West Wing” and it’s no longer possible to avoid some unpleasant truths.

For example, Biden just shattered a record that has stood for 100 years by going the longest of any newly “elected” POTUS to not give a real press conference after being inaugurated.

How bad is it?

Even CNN’s Jake Tapper had remove his head from halfway up Biden’s ass for long enough to admit that such a thing was highly unusual.

As Biden’s Potemkin Village presidency lurches on, Republicans are jumping on his being missing in action by pointing out the unprecedented nature of the POTUS being kept away from the people.

Not only has Biden not held a formal press conference but he hasn’t given the traditional State Of The Union address and when pressed on why not, his mouthpiece Jen Psaki continues to dodge the question:

The prospect of an “emperor has no clothes” moment if Biden melts down during the nationally televised SOTU clearly has his handlers worried but the longer that he refrains, it becomes increasingly difficult for even the pro-Democrat media to avoid asking serious questions.

Meanwhile, president-in-waiting Kamala Harris is awaiting orders from the Kalorama compound that serves as the command center for the Obamas.