Biden Repeats Lie That Sarah Palin Could See Russia From Her House

Joe Biden held a sad party at the White House to celebrate passing the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill that has almost no money for actual Covid-19 relief. For reasons know only to him he used the occasion to take a shot at former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin by repeating the lie that she once said she could see Russia from her house. Perhaps the reason is because 2008 is the last time his mind was sound so he only remembers things from 13 years ago.

During his speech, flanked by Kamaltoe, Cryin’ Chuck, and Nasty Nancy, Biden said honesty is the best policy:

“You watch people lose confidence in government, just lose confidence when you tell the truth. That’s why, when I announced, I quoted Franklin Roosevelt, I said ‘I’ll give it to you straight from the shoulder.’ The American people can handle anything if you tell them the truth,” said Biden.

Moments after praising his own honesty, Biden told this lie when he was bragging about talking to a lot of governors when he was vice president:

“I remember being given the dubious distinction of having to implement the Recovery Act, back in (pauses), when we came into office,” said Biden.

Hey, look at that. He doesn’t remember when he first became vice president. Now here’s his lie:

“I spent literally four, five hours a day day for six months. I talked to ’em over a hundred and sixty mayors, probably more than two or three times. Every governor save one who was looking at from Alaska to Russia,” said Biden.

Clearly he’s talking about Sarah Palin and obviously he is perpetuating the lie that she once said she could see Alaska from her house. The truth is, that was from a Saturday Night Live skit in which unfunny comedian Tina Fey was portraying Palin and less funny comedian Amy Poehler was portraying Hillary Clinton:

FEY AS PALIN: “You know, Hillary and I don’t agree on everything …”

POEHLER AS CLINTON: (OVERLAPPING) “Anything. I believe that diplomacy should be the cornerstone of any foreign policy.”

FEY AS PALIN: “And I can see Russia from my house.”

This stupid thing has been debunked for over a decade but Joe Biden still believes it. Let that sink in for a second: the guy in charge of the most powerful country in the world believes things from Saturday Night Live are real. There’s a lot of reasons to be worried about Biden’s illegitimate presidency, but this one is truly terrifying.

Since Biden can’t distinguish between reality and SNL, it’s a given that he will offer a path to citizenship for the alien Coneheads, make sure that sexually ambiguous Pat can use the bathroom of his/her choice, get some of that COVID-19 relief to Matt Foley so he doesn’t have to live in a van down by the river, and request that Congress give him more cowbell.

Sorry I couldn’t come up with some more recent SNL characters but the show has been unwatchable for decades. It could be funny if they would parody Joe Biden, seeing as he’s a walking joke, but they’re not allowed to make fun of democrats.