Conservatives, Are You Tired Of Losing, Yet?

It’s common knowledge that in American politics the democrats fight dirty. LBJ comes to mind, and more recently the likes of Harry Reid, NY Chuck, Nutty Fran Nan, and AOC and her sharia law bunch.  Not to overlook Mad Maxine, Debbie Washhouse Schiltz, and Adam Sciftless. The only democrat pussy that presently comes to my mind is Jimmy Carter. But he can’t hardly count can he? His lunch money was taken from him and his nose was bloodied as soon as he stepped off the bus.

Republican politicians, on the other hand just can’t seem to understand that the democrats aren’t going to play fair. Gone are the days of reaching across the aisle. When the democrats say ‘unity’ they mean their way. And the Republican politicians have their lunch money stolen from them on a daily basis. They may depart their home states or districts for D.C. with their backbone firmly in place, but no sooner than their plane lands on the tarmac and they assume positions very similar to Turtle McConnell, or Paul Rain-Man Ryan, or Mike Gay-Medicine Pence. It’s safe to say most “conservatives” in D.C. are too soft to think outside the box. They can’t get mean.

But unless conservatives manage to fire their Neville Chamberlins and hire Winston Churchills, we will lose, like the British lost the American Revolution.

In fact, it is this shortcoming that is the reason why we are getting our butts kicked so profoundly. It is 75–0 in the first quarter and we don’t hold a single hill.

Conservatives are at least half the population and our numbers, thanks to the leadership of President Trump, have been growing, but unless we learn how to fight smarter and dirtier, there is just no chance we have of winning.

David better find a new rubber band for his slingshot and fast. Someone somewhere in the conservative population must hear this message and come forward.

There is only one way to take back power from a system so thoroughly corrupt that the Supreme Court refused to acknowledge or rule on blatant election theft, as reported by Joe Archer on American Thinker.

That is through the Constitutional Referendum process.

The beauty of this process is that it is not an absolute majority kind of process. It is a majority of two thirds of the states, which fortunately, is what we currently have. But unless conservatives act quickly, accelerated immigration will remove the window of opportunity. We don’t even have to concern ourselves with lost states like California, New York, Massachusetts, etc. We only have to win initiative petitions in our Red states.

What say you Def-Con News readers? Short of Civil War options of combatting this democrat communist takeover of our country do exist. All we need is a few good men, or women to lead the charge in D.C. and the Red state capitals. What are you waiting for conservatives?