Now The ‘Woke’ Mob Claims That Oprah Memes Are ‘Digital Blackface’

Oh, just STOP!

This week, item number 7,245,321 has been added to the ever-expanding list of things that are racist: Oprah memes.

Yes, that is the ridiculous assertion by a “woke” activist group that somehow believes that that the global superstar whose net worth has recently been estimated to be $3.5 billion is somehow being oppressed by the white devil and that passing around memes of the most successful black businesswoman on the planet is akin to “digital blackface.”

The ridiculous assertion comes from something called The Slow Factory Foundation which self-identifies as a nonprofit “public service organization” with a mission of promoting what it calls a “regenerative, climate-positive, anti-racist approach to creating climate change solutions and ultimately systemic change.”

It also now apparently promotes more of the divisive and dangerous phony racism baloney that has set back race relations in America decades, a downward trajectory that began under the lamentable regime of former President Barack Obama and has only accelerated in the years since the nation’s first black POTUS left the White House.

Ms. Winfrey has been subjected to much scorn and mockery after her now-infamous CBS interview with the former Prince Harry of Windsor whose balls were chopped off by failed actress and race-baiter Meghan Markle who was welcomed with open arms by the British Royal Family only to carry a disease into the Palace that would prove to be every bit as devastating to the ruling family as any pox that was introduced into one of their colonies in the non-white world.

That disease was the cancer of “woke” and the narcissistic Markle has parlayed her bogus racial grievances into international stardom and a dark horse future U.S. presidential bid.

According to the Slow Factory, non-white people who share Oprah memes are guilty of the thought crime of racism.

The group contends:

“An online phenomenon where white and non-Black people share gifs and photos of Black folks to express emotion or reaction to anything happening on the internet. While seemingly harmless, the problem with digital blackface is that it often reinforces negative stereotypes about Black folks such as they’re aggressive, loud, sassy, and simply here for your consumption and entertainment. It is another way people try and co-opt Black identity and culture without any of the day-to-day realities of being Black”

“Performing Blackness, be it IRL or online, is not an acceptable form of expressing reaction or dissatisfaction, especially not in exchange for likes and retweets. Since the #MeghanandHarry interview on Oprah, we’ve been seeing a lot of digital blackface infractions with a few of Oprah’s reaction gifs and images going viral, but that doesn’t mean you should be using them.”

Yeah, it’s some really fucking stupid bullshit but the “woke” inquisition is serious about this.

So if any of you are thinking of passing around any Oprah memes – DON’T!