Woke Forces: National Guard Troops Intimidate GOP Congresswoman Inside Capitol

This is getting dangerous.

They haven’t won a war in decades but the stomping jackboots of the “woke” military may be able to get off their losing streak by recalibrating to fight against a domestic enemy.

The disturbing politicization of the armed forces under the Biden regime has taken another ominous turn after Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene was targeted by a National Guard contingent inside of the U.S. Capitol building, another step toward the unleashing of the “woke” forces against the political adversaries of the ruling one-party state.

Such intimidation will be ignored – if not openly cheered – by a corrupt media that long ago abrogated its traditional role as a check on power in a similar manner of how the press functions in a communist regime but when the soldiers who represent the territory of Guam were led by its Democrat congressional representative in what was clearly a move to intimidate Greene, it represents yet another step in the direction of something very dark and unprecedented in this once-free country.

While the troops were carrying a “gift” of cookies, the message was sent loud and clear.

The stated reason for the “visit” was that Greene was accused of insulting Guam after pointing out that it was not a U.S. state which is technically correct.

The stunt drew criticism from feckless Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy:

The march on Rep. Greene’s office comes days after the Pentagon greenlighted an attack on Fox News host Tucker Carlson and took place in the heart of a militarized Washington D.C. where troops have been occupying the nation’s capital ever since the “armed insurrection” that went down on January 6 when a small contingent of Trump supporters mixed with leftist provocateurs briefly occupied the Capitol in what has since been used by Democrats in the same manner that the 1933 Reichstag Fire was by the Nazis.

It also is in violation of the Uniform Code Of Military Justice (UCMJ) but don’t expect to see any court martials or disciplinary actions:

“Under DOD Directive 1344.10, members of the armed forces who are on active duty are permitted to express their personal opinions on political candidates, make a monetary contribution to a campaign, sign a petition to place a candidate’s name on the ballot, and attend a political event as a spectator,” the Department of Defense regulations state. “Members on active duty may not participate in partisan activities such as soliciting or engaging in partisan fundraiser activities, serving as the sponsor of a partisan club, or speaking before a partisan gathering. In addition, all military members, including National Guard and Reserve forces, are prohibited from wearing military uniforms at political campaign events.”

Where is this headed?

Sundance over at the Conservative Treehouse opines:

There are numerous reports of the U.S. military engaging in recent political activity that has raised some eyebrows. Many are wondering what is going on…. and there’s likely an alarming reason. Considering the specific examples over the past few years, I would argue the Democrats are positioning for use of the military in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act -or- by an expressed act of congress.

Following the evidence to its logical conclusion is simple. The political apparatus of the DC state has framed a fraudulent narrative that “insurrection” against the federal government is an ongoing possibility.

Toward that end the U.S. military national guard troops have been sent to Washington DC indefinitely (current deployment extended through May).

If we consider there is a reasonable argument now surfacing about states choosing to nullify federal laws, it is not a stretch to see the insurrection narrative as a proactive assertion to support the deployment of active military against any state who would be non-compliant.

Would this violate the Posse Comitatus Act? Quite possibly, yes; it would depend on whether congress passed an expressed act authorizing military troops against specific state action.

When we consider that most of the constitutional checks and balances have been deconstructed or usurped by hardline leftist action; including the weaponization of the intelligence community, and specifically the FBI as a federal law enforcement agency; we are left to recognize that any Posse Comitatus violation would likely be supported by a leftist and aligned media arguing that the military is needed in order to stop a rebellion of states.

Conservatives have a major blind spot when in comes to unwavering loyalty to the military and are unlikely to speak up in sufficient numbers but those uniforms are only as good as those who are inside of them and this is no longer the military that once protected American freedoms, in fact, it is now exactly the opposite.