Immigrants Don’t Want Socialism–Will They Save the Republican Party?

What if the open borders immigration policies of the democrats benefit the Republican party more than the democrats? Is there any lingering truth to the conventional wisdom that immigrants vote democrat? According to Steve Bigler, who presented his thoughts on American Thinker, this supposition is no longer a given.

Bigler presented the following rationale for believing the current mass of immigration has a favorable element to it for the Republican party:

1. The majority of Hispanic immigrants are hard and dependable workers who seem to understand that gainful employment and earnest effort are their keys to a better life — not government handouts.  The current democrat party doesn’t appeal much to that self-reliant mindset.

2. Very many Hispanics are deeply religious people.  It’s not hard to see that the left is no friend of religion.

3. Hispanic immigrants are fleeing socialist — or socialist-leaning — governments.  Why would they cast their votes for another socialist-leaning government? I don’t think immigrants are stupid!  And they have personal experience with where socialism leads.

4. Hispanics — as well as Asians — come from cultures that place a high value on the family. The philosophies and policies of the left are quite clearly anti-family. In truth, the Big Government policies of the left have served to destroy families — especially among urban Blacks, where government welfare has usurped the roll of husbands and fathers and has thereby marginalized or actually replaced husbands and fathers in Black families. The destruction of the nuclear family is perhaps the greatest evil of large intrusive government.

In contrast, strong and functional families are the antithesis of a large and intrusive government. Strong and functional families don’t need an intrusive government. So, by its nature, a socialist government will always view strong families as an enemy to be overcome.

5. Finally, many minorities — both immigrants and existing minority citizens — can see white “wokism” for exactly what it is: patronizing white tokenism. It’s a way of not so subtly saying, “We know what’s best for you poor benighted souls, so we’ll take care of you.” This approach is not appealing — and certainly not respectful — to the majority of immigrants.

The democrat party of today may very well be committing political suicide by assuming immigrant votes belong to them. Bigly believes that five to ten years from now this may become apparent.

Immigrants voting Republican seems like an enlightening way of viewing the biden regime’s present immigration disaster. But will the Republican party be forward thinking enough to properly capitalize upon this forecast?  If they get caught sitting on their thumbs like they typically do, Republicans will fall behind the power curve again. The party and the RNC will require strong leadership if good is to come of this possible gift.