Corrupt Media Ignores Protests As Europe Rises Up Against Fascist COVID Measures

The biggest lies are the lies of omission…

There should be no argument that the U.S. mainstream media is the enemy of the people and bears a large portion of the responsibility for the disastrous COVID lockdowns, forced wearing of face burkas, and rescinding of civil liberties under emergency declarations.

The press long ago abrogated its traditional role as the watchdogs of Democracy to instead serve as propagandists for the Democratic party, mouthpieces for the Deep State, and the purveyors of racism directed at white heterosexual Christians.

Not only has the corrupt media turned the likes of Dr. Anthony Fauci into a godlike figure but it has deliberately concealed news of resistance to the global fascism that has been imposed by governments under the pretense of protecting the public from a virus that has been oversold as an apocalyptic plague in order to justify the consolidation of power for the globalist technocracy.

You’ll probably never see it on CNN or read about it in the New York Times and Washington Post but people are rising up against tyranny in Europe where governments are imposing more of the crushing lockdowns by fearmongering about new strains of the doomsday virus.

On Saturday, the Worldwide Rally for Freedom took place in multiple countries including the UK, France, and Germany where tens of thousands took to the streets to protest the lockdowns and mask mandates that are the weapon of choice for the global police state.


Protests also took place outside of Europe.

Meanwhile, here in America the only “protests” that merit coverage are the communist-inspired Black Lives Matter which has the full sanctioning of the federal government as well as corporate sponsorship.