AOC Demands Reparations For Illegal Aliens

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has a whole lot of stupid to say all the time but this tops it. According to the dimwit NY Rep. illegal aliens should be rewarded for trying to sneak into our country with huge cash payouts. That’s right, she’s demanding reparations for illegal aliens, which is actually dumber than reparations for slave descendants.

Back when Trump was president, AOC went down to the border and took some pictures of herself pretending to cry at the horrible conditions illegal aliens were being kept in, when she was actually standing outside a fence looking at an empty parking lot. Now that Biden is occupying the White House, there is a full-blown crisis at the border because the illegitimate president invited every third-world scumbag to come here and AOC is much less dramatic about the situation.

In fact, she did this interview to explain how detaining illegal aliens was bad under Trump but good under Biden:

“The first thing that I want to say is the fact that this keeps happening over and over and over again is a political failure by both parties,” said Ocasio-Cortez.

It doesn’t keep happening over and over again, just when democrats are in charge. Trump made the border as secure as it’s ever been and illegal immigration was the lowest in a generation. Despite that these border surges only happen under democrats, AOC blames both parties and then actually just the Republicans:

“I don’t want to draw false equivalence (yes she does) but what is happening here is not the same as what happened during the Trump administration, where they took babies out of the arms of their mothers and deported their families and permanently traumatized these children some of whom we don’t know will ever be reunified with their family again, which is a level of human rights violation that is just simply not the same,” Ocasio-Cortez said.

When did this ever happen? I know democrats like to say shit like Trump ripped babies out of their mother’s arms, but there is not one ounce of proof that this went on. The Trump administration policy was that when illegal alien families were captured crossing the border, they were given the choice to turn around or go to a detention facility. Since it is illegal to house children in the same facilities as adults, the kids went one place and the parents went to another.

And many times, the parents self-deported and left their kids behind. Keep in mind that these were choices made by the illegal alien parents so if the children are permanently traumatized, the blame lies squarely on these shitty parents.

“Both of these things are barbaric and they’re wrong but when you rip a baby out of the hands of a mother, you cannot draw the same comparison and anyone who is trying to do that is doing a profound disservice to the cause of justice,” said Ocasio-Cortez.

What about anyone who rips a baby out of a mother’s womb? Is that barbaric too or no?

“I don’t want to excuse any of this but I’m also, I don’t think we should also get them twisted together because one is not the same and we cannot dust that under the rug,” Ocasio-Cortez said.

One of anything can’t be the same because it lacks something to compare it with and the phrase is “sweep it under the rug.”

After making an ass of herself, AOC finally got around to making an ass of herself:

“And by the way, those families are owed reparations,” said Ocasio-Cortez.

According to who? Those families broke the law trying to enter our country without permission and then dumped their kids in the care of strangers. Everything they did was their own choice so it’s not like they were kidnapped from their homes and forced into grueling physical labor. Why the hell do they deserve a damn thing from us? Illegal aliens already cost us billions every year.

Slave reparations are dumb because it asks people who had nothing to do with slavery to pay money to people who were never slaves. Illegal aline reparations are even dumber, but AOC is right on one thing: you cannot draw the same comparison between them.