Breakfast For The Brain Weekend Edition

Have a great weekend…

Racism, Racism Everywhere

Via American Greatness

The Biden Administration made two big pronouncements about racism last week.

First, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) declared racism a “serious public health threat.”

“The pandemic illuminated inequities that have existed for generations and revealed for all of America a known, but often unaddressed, epidemic impacting public health: racism,” CDC director Rochelle Walensky said in a statement. “It affects the health of our entire nation. Racism is not just the discrimination against one group based on the color of their skin or their race or ethnicity, but the structural barriers that impact racial and ethnic groups differently to influence where a person lives, where they work, where their children play, and where they worship and gather in community. These social determinants of health have life-long negative effects on the mental and physical health of individuals in communities of color.”

The CDC plans to roll out several initiatives to combat this health crisis. But it’s not just our health that may be racist—so are our roads.

“There is racism physically built into some of our highways, and that’s why the jobs plan has specifically committed to reconnect some of the communities that were divided by these dollars,” Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said last week. “If you’re in Washington, I’m told that the history of that highway is one that was built at the expense of communities of color in the D.C. area. There are stories, and I think Philadelphia and Pittsburgh [and] in New York, Robert Moses famously saw through the construction of a lot of highways.”

Buttigieg’s solution to our racist highways is President Biden’s infrastructure plan, which aims to redistribute wealth to minority communities.

Both of these statements follow Biden declaring the filibuster and election reforms to be racist. It appears almost everything is racist to the people in power.

For years, we’ve been inundated with coverage of the hysteria and conspiracy theories of the Right. We were told that idiotic conservatives believed Barack Obama was a secret Muslim, Communist, or both. QAnon and Pizzagate are upheld as examples of right-wing lunacy. Conservative media spreads “disinformation” and so on and so forth.

The people separated from reality supposedly dwell only on the Right. The right-thinking, rational people are on the Left. Yet, the perception that racism infects all aspects of our society—from highways to food—belies this claim. The supposedly rational folk believe racism is a bogeyman living under their beds, ready to strike when they least expect. Anything and everything can be considered racist or blamed on racism. It pervades our culture to the point of hysteria. This is the real political lunacy and ordinary Americans can’t escape its grasp.

Rather than systemic racism, we live under the bootheel of hysteria over systemic racism.

Read the entire article HERE.

The CIA Used To Infiltrate The Media. Now The CIA Is The Media

By Caitlyn Johnstone

Back in the good old days, when things were more innocent and simple, the psychopathic Central Intelligence Agency had to covertly infiltrate the news media to manipulate the information Americans were consuming about their nation and the world. Nowadays, there is no meaningful separation between the news media and the CIA at all.

Journalist Glenn Greenwald just highlighted an interesting point about the reporting by The New York Times on the so-called “Bountygate” story the outlet broke in June of last year about the Russian government trying to pay Taliban-linked fighters to attack US soldiers in Afghanistan.

“One of the NYT reporters who originally broke the Russia bounty story (originally attributed to unnamed ‘intelligence officials’) say today that it was a CIA claim,” Greenwald tweeted. “So media outlets — again — repeated CIA stories with no questioning: congrats to all.”

Indeed, NYT’s original story made no mention of CIA involvement in the narrative, citing only “officials,” yet this latest article speaks as though it had been informing its readers of the story’s roots in the lying, torturingdrug-runningwarmongering Central Intelligence Agency from the very beginning. The author even writes “The New York Times first reported last summer the existence of the C.I.A.’s assessment,” with the hyperlink leading to the initial article which made no mention of the CIA. It wasn’t until later that The New York Times began reporting that the CIA was looking into the Russian bounties allegations at all.

This would be the same “Russian bounties” narrative which was discredited all the way back in September when the top US military official in Afghanistan said no satisfactory evidence had surfaced for the allegations, which was further discredited today with a new article by The Daily Beast titled “U.S. Intel Walks Back Claim Russians Put Bounties on American Troops”.

The Daily Beast, which has itself uncritically published many articles promoting the CIA “Bountygate” narrative, reports the following:

It was a blockbuster story about Russia’s return to the imperial “Great Game” in Afghanistan. The Kremlin had spread money around the longtime central Asian battlefield for militants to kill remaining U.S. forces. It sparked a massive outcry from Democrats and their #resistance amplifiers about the treasonous Russian puppet in the White House whose admiration for Vladimir Putin had endangered American troops.

But on Thursday, the Biden administration announced that U.S. intelligence only had “low to moderate” confidence in the story after all. Translated from the jargon of spyworld, that means the intelligence agencies have found the story is, at best, unproven — and possibly untrue.

So the mass media aggressively promoted a CIA narrative that none of them ever saw proof of, because there was no proof, because it was an entirely unfounded claim from the very beginning. They quite literally ran a CIA press release and disguised it as a news story.

This allowed the CIA to throw shade and inertia on Trump’s proposed troop withdrawals from Afghanistan and Germany, and to continue ramping up anti-Russia sentiments on the world stage, and may well have contributed to the fact that the agency will officially be among those who are exempt from Biden’s performative Afghanistan “withdrawal”.

In totalitarian dictatorships, the government spy agency tells the news media what stories to run, and the news media unquestioningly publish it. In free democracies, the government spy agency says “Hoo buddy, have I got a scoop for you!” and the news media unquestioningly publish it.

Read the entire article HERE.

‘Science American’ Magazine Says They Have Coordinated With The Mainstream Media To Start Using the Term ‘Climate Emergency’ Instead of ‘Climate Change’

Via Breaking 911

In a tweet posted on Monday, American science magazine “Science American” announced that they have coordinated with mainstream news outlets to start referring to “climate change” as “climate emergency.”

In the article, they claimed that climate change is “the biggest environmental emergency to beset the earth in millennia,” the reason why they have “agreed with major news outlets worldwide to start using the term ‘climate emergency.’”

Scientific American’s statement: “As partners in Covering Climate Now, a global consortium of hundreds of news outlets, we will present coverage in the lead-up to Earth Day, April 22, 2021, around the theme ‘Living Through the Climate Emergency.’ We invite journalists everywhere to join us.”

Scientific American also said that they believe climate change deserves the same coverage as the Covid-19 pandemic:

“The media’s response to COVID-19 provides a useful model. Guided by science, journalists have described the pandemic as an emergency, chronicled its devasting impacts, called out disinformation and told audiences how to protect themselves (with masks and social distancing, for example).”

This statement was released the day before James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas posted a leaked video showing a CNN director revealing that the network’s next move is pushing climate change:

“Our next thing is going to be for climate change…It’s just gonna be like constantly showing videos of decline and ice and weather warming up and the effects on the economy.”

Read the entire article HERE.

Alex Jones Right Again: Scientists Admit They Successfully Created Human-Monkey Hybrids

Via The National File

US and Chinese scientists have successfully created embryos that are part monkey and part human in order to produce organs for transplant recipients, raising ethics concerns among scientists.
The mix of human-monkey cells were created by a team of international scientists, according to a report by NPR. “My first question is: Why?” said Kirstin Matthews, a fellow for science and technology at Rice University’s Baker Institute. “I think the public is going to be concerned, and I am as well, that we’re just kind of pushing forward with science without having a proper conversation about what we should or should not do.”

While many bioethicists have voiced concerns over the potential ramifications of such research, the scientists responsible for developing the embryos maintain their stance that the experiment is just.

“This is one of the major problems in medicine — organ transplantation,” said Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte, a professor in the Gene Expression Laboratory of the Salk Institute for Biological Sciences and a co-author of the groundbreaking Cell study. “The demand for that is much higher than the supply.”

“I don’t see this type of research being ethically problematic,” said Insoo Hyun, a bioethicist at Case Western Reserve University and Harvard University. “It’s aimed at lofty humanitarian goals.”

The study signifies the next step in the development of human-animal chimeras as scientists search for new ways to cure disease. Researchers in the US and other countries have been injecting human stem cells into sheep and pig embryos, with little success. Instead, researchers injected 25 human induced pluripotent stem cells, typically called iPS cells, into embryos from macaque monkeys, which have a closer genetic resemblance to humans.

The researchers reported that they were able to detect human cells growing in 132 of the embryos after the first day of the study. This allowed them to study the embryos for up to 19 days.

Many media outlets dismissed concerns about chimeras being used for organ harvesting after the science was repeatedly covered by radio and TV host Alex Jones. Most recently, in a viral appearance on Joe Rogan’s popular podcast, Jones warned Americans about the motivations behind the development of human-animal chimeras.

“The globalists want to play God,” said Jones on the podcast. “They’re telling you, more human than human, this is going to be more advanced. This is going to be better. But like everything like a cell phone, or like a vaccine, it’s got a Trojan horse. It’s got a back door. It’s already been tested. It’s already been perfected. It’s being rolled out.” Jones’ statements were dismissed by Forbes as a “barrage of mouth diarrhea.”

Speaking to National File about the scientists’ achievement, Jones explained, “It was in all the scientific literature 25 years ago that they were crossing humans with cows and monkeys so they could grow them, get organs out of them, and say they don’t have rights. They’re just getting ready to go public now.”

“The holy grail has been growing organs in a lab, but it doesn’t work to try to grow a liver, lungs, kidneys by themselves, so you create the whole organism, say inside a cow, you can then have a larger humanoid to get the organs from,” explained Jones. “But you’ve got to have a humanoid that’s part cow so the cow doesn’t reject it. So you create a clone of a cow, splice it with a human, so the cow doesn’t reject the humanoid implant.”

“It grows up to be say the size of a 40-50 pound human, it’s only part cow, so it’s not rejected and you can harvest the organs. You turn the human body into a total commodity,” Jones told National File.

“They developed this decades ago, it was in the literature, it’s just now they’re going operational because they’ve gotten it where it actually works. That’s why it only now sees the world.”

Read the entire article HERE.

Popular New Mask Reads ‘I’m Not A Democrat, I Just Forgot To Take Off My Mask When I Left The Store’

Via The Babylon Bee

U.S.—A popular new mask has a message for people who see you while you’re walking around or driving about town: “I’m Not a Democrat, I Just Forgot To Take Off My Mask When I Left the Store.”

This mask is handy for conservatives who live in blue states where they still have to wear masks at Walmart, Target, and the few other stores that are still open after lockdowns.

“We found that many people just accidentally left their masks on, and everyone who saw them assumed they were Democrats, which is obviously devastating,” said one of the inventors of the mask, Bill F. Parton. “Now, people who glare at you for thinking you’re a Democrat will take a second look, read your mask, and chuckle at you for forgetting to take off your mask. They might even give you a hug for being such a cool guy.”

“Thanks for this awesome mask, guys!” said one man in Southern California. “I kept leaving Stater Bros. and forgetting to pull off my mask, and everyone thought I was one of those liberals who live up in L.A. I realized with horror as I got home that I had been wearing my mask for the full five-minute drive home. Absolutely horrible!”

The manufacturers are working on a mask that automatically destroys itself in a blaze of fire the moment you step out of Target, but there are still a few bugs to work out.

Check out all of the Bee’s takes on a world gone mad HERE.

Be sure to stop by at Def-Con News to get our morning started off right.