Pickled Liver Lush John Boehner Accuses Trump Of Inciting ‘Bloody Riot’

A beloved swamp creature resurfaces…

Yet another RINO has crawled out from under a rock to level scurrilous allegations against former President Donald J. Trump to sell a tell-all book.

This time it’s longtime Beltway insider John Boehner, the ex-congressman from Ohio who served as Speaker Of The House from 2011 until 2015 when he retired to become a lobbyist for the marijuana industry.

The weed salesman is hawking his new memoir On the House which is chock full of the sort of tawdry gossip that will have him celebrated by the swamp and booked across the media for weeks to come.

in his book, the former speaker who was once famous for his odd crying jags climbs aboard the bandwagon of travelers who have blamed Trump for inciting the so-called Capitol “riot” on January 6th that has been weaponized by Democrats to wage a campaign of political persecution against Trump supporters.

He writes that Trump “incited that bloody insurrection for nothing more than selfish reasons, perpetuated by the bullsh*t  he’d been shoveling since he lost a fair election the previous November,”  intentionally ignoring the mysterious “irregularities” that occurred in multiple states.

Boehner added; “He claimed voter fraud without any evidence, and repeated those claims, taking advantage of the trust placed in him by his supporters and ultimately betraying that trust.”

He also took cheap shots as the few Republicans who took a stand for election integrity by like his Democrat friends, referred to them as terrorists; “Some of the people involved did not surprise me in the least. The legislative terrorism that I’d witnessed as speaker had now encouraged actual terrorism.” Wrote Boehner.

Among other tidbits, the ex-speaker whines that Trump was mean to one of his staffers during a game of golf after his gofer mixed up the names of the twosome that they were playing against; ‘He marched over to BJ and got right in his face to the point that BJ might have had to take a step or two back. Then Trump shouted, ‘What are you, some kind of idiot?’ These guys’ names are Mike and David!” Recalled Boehner.

He continued, “Then he gave the young man a piece of advice that he – and I – have never forgotten. And I hesitate to put an expletive in the mouth of a former president of the United States, but here it goes anyway. ‘You want to know how to remember somebody’s name?’ Trump asked. ‘You f***ing LISTEN!’

Boehner also blamed the former POTUS for the GOP losing control of the Senate while not bothering to mention the negative effects of Mitch McConnell’s refusal to get on board with the $2,000 stimulus checks that Trump wanted to send to Americans. Both of the Democrat Senate candidates Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff who won the Georgia runoff hammered the GOP on Mitch’s monumental strategic blunder.

Not surprisingly, Boehner who has long had a reputation as a juicer was hitting the bottle during the production of the audiobook and launched into a drunken tirade against Senator Ted Cruz; “Oh, and Ted Cruz, go f**k yourself,” slurred the inebriated Boehner.

In a response reported by the New York Times, Trump ridiculed Boehner: In an emailed statement, Jason Miller, a spokesman for Mr. Trump, called Mr. Boehner a “Swamp Creature” and accused him of favoring “Communist China” (The former speaker’s lobbying firm represents the Chinese Embassy in the United States). In a separate email to The Times, Mr. Trump asked of Mr. Boehner, whose love of merlot wine is legendary in Washington: “Was he drinking when he made this statement? Just another RINO who couldn’t do the job!

Boehner’s book will be heavily promoted by the media but isn’t likely to stay atop bestseller lists for long and even that will be attributable to the usual bulk purchases of anti-Trump screeds; coming soon to discount tables right between previously hyped works by Omarosa and Jim Comey.