Tuesday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

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Globalists Will Need Another Crisis In America As Their Reset Agenda Fails

By Brandon Smith/Alt-Market

It might sound like “US exceptionalism” to point this out (…and how very dare I), but even if the globalist Reset is successful in every other nation on Earth, the globalists are still failures if they can’t secure and subjugate the American people. As I’ve noted many times in the past, most of the world has been sufficiently disarmed, and even though we are seeing resistance in multiple European nations against forced vaccination legislation and medical tyranny, it is unlikely that they will have the ability to actually repel a full on march into totalitarianism. Most of Asia, India and Australia are already well under control. Africa is almost an afterthought , considering Africa is where many suspect vaccines are tested.

America represents the only significant obstacle to the agenda.

Conservative Americans in particular have been a thorn in the side of the globalists for generations, and it really comes down to a simple matter of mutual exclusion: You cannot have an openly globalist society and conservative ideals at the same time in the same place. It is impossible.

Conservatives believe in limited government, true free markets, individual liberty, the value of life, freedom of speech, private property rights, the right to self defense, the right to self determination, freedom of religion, and the non-aggression principle (we won’t harm you unless you try to harm us). None of these ideals can exist in a globalist world because globalism is at its core the pursuit of a fully centralized tyranny.

There are people on this planet that are not satisfied to merely live their lives, take care of their families and make their mark peacefully. They crave power over all else. They desperately want control over you, over me, over everything, and they will use any means at their disposal to get it. I would compare it to a kind of drug addiction; globalists are like crack addicts, they can never get enough power, there is always something more to take.

They tell themselves and others that they are “philanthropists”, that “they know what is best” for the rest of us. They believe themselves superior and therefore it is their “destiny” to dictate and micro-manage society for the “greater good” of us all. But really, when we witness their methods it becomes clear that they have no noble aspirations. They have no empathy or honor. They don’t care about the average human being, or the environment, or the economy or society in general. They only care about themselves and their delusions of grandeur. These people are a cancer on the rest of civilization.

They seem to be particularly obsessed with deconstructing and sabotaging America in the pursuit of their global Reset. Real philanthropists would not have a problem if someone didn’t want to accept their “charity”, but psychopaths cannot abide a group of people rejecting them and their ideology. You are not allowed to walk away from them. You are not allowed to do things your own way. You must be forced to comply. The agenda only works if EVERYONE submits.

Unfortunately for the globalists, the Reset is not working out for them everywhere. In the US, the agenda is failing miserably compared to Asia and parts of Europe.

As the head of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, is so fond of reminding us, the Covid pandemic is the “perfect opportunity” to push forward the globalist plans for a total Reset of human economy and society. To the globalists, the crisis is a panacea, a doorway to their version of a better world. They love the pandemic, they are not distressed by it.

The problem is, it’s not doing enough damage or terrifying enough people.

Consider the Event 201 coronavirus pandemic simulation – It was held by the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation only two months before the real thing “coincidentally” happened in early 2020. The pandemic war game was less about saving lives and more about how the elites planned to keep the public under control. The suppression of alternative media and censorship in social media was discussed at great length. Dissenting voices need to be silenced if the Reset is going to prevail.

One factor within the Event 201 simulation that never played out, though, was the WEF projections on deaths. The war game suggested at least 65 million initial deaths due to the pandemic. Early projections on the death rate suggested 2% to 3% of the population or more. The same projections were repeated by the UN’s World Health Organization when the real pandemic was first revealed to the public.

Instead, Covid-19 has been a letdown for the globalists, with a tiny death rate of around 0.26% outside of nursing homes. Meaning, 99.7% of the population has nothing to worry about from covid. Millions of Americans are becoming savvy to the situation and are refusing to comply with mandates over a virus that is a non-threat.

Instead of backing off of the Reset scheme, the globalists are continuing to double down. Why? Because they have no other choice. They let the cat out of the bag and bloviating big-mouths like Klaus Schwab told the world exactly what the plan is. If they retreat now, they might NEVER get another chance to implement a world centralization plan; a massive grift which requires medical tyranny in order to prevent rebellion.

You see, if the death rate had been dramatically higher than 0.26% and covid represented a legitimate threat, then maybe a larger portion of the US population would have been on board with longer term restrictions and medical passports. Maybe not. The fact remains that 40% of deaths have been in nursing homes among patients with preexisting illnesses, the death rate outside of these facilities is minimal, the mask mandates have been proven completely ineffective and the states that have remained open and removed mask mandates have FALLING death and infection rates when compared to states that are enforcing lockdowns.

The fear narrative is falling apart. States across the US are opening and are refusing to implement useless mandates. In my home state of Montana, legislators and the governor are passing laws that forbid the enforcement of medical passports. Even major corporations are not allowed to demand vaccine passports from customers or employees.

On top of that, 40% to 50% of the US population in polls are refusing to comply with the vaccine rollout or medical passports. Why take a vaccine for a virus that 99.7% of the population is unaffected by anyway?

The jig is up. The globalists are going to need another crisis if they hope to enforce further lockdowns in the US, along with medical passports and disarmament. Do not be surprised if there is more engineered chaos going into the summer months. But what will the next crisis look like? I think we are already seeing the signs…

Covid Mutations

The mainstream media is pushing a non-stop narrative of covid mutation hype. We hear about UK and Brazilian variants on a weekly basis, and the assertion has been that surely, these variants will be more infectious and more deadly that the original virus. There is still no proof whatsoever to confirm this, but the globalists only care about planting the idea in people’s heads. They only care about reigniting the fear.

My feeling is that this strategy is going to fail, at least in the US. Too many Americans are aware of the con game, and a new virus threat is not going to have the same effect as Covid-19 did in the early months of the pandemic. None of us really knew what we were facing back then, and caution was a practical response. Today, we know for a fact that covid is not a concern for the vast majority of the public. Media attempts to amp up the threat will be ineffective, but they will of course still try.

BLM Riots

This is the next obvious tactic on the part of the establishment. Numerous state officials are openly supporting renewed riots across the country due to a recent police shooting in Minnesota. The shooting itself was accidental, with the suspect violently resisting arrest and leaping into his car. A female officer grabbed her pistol in a panic instead of her taser and fired.

This event had nothing to do with racism, and nothing to do with police brutality. But, that’s not stopping Marxist groups like BLM from taking advantage and making it all about “white supremacy”. The real danger of unrest, however, will arrive at the closing of the Derek Chauvin trial.

With the trial coming to an end, evidence has been revealed that George Floyd was involved in heavy drug use and the medical examiner indicated that this along with heart disease were contributing factors to Floyd’s death. A “speed ball” containing Fentanyl was also discovered in the back of the police cruiser in which Floyd was originally restrained. So, even if Derek Chauvin’s knee to the neck tactic helped kill Floyd, it is unlikely that a jury will convict him of 1st or 2nd degree murder based on the evidence. Any lesser charges will undoubtedly trigger more BLM riots.

Conveniently, these powderkeg events are taking place at the onset of the warm spring and summer months, which is prime time for riots.

My concern is that civil unrest will be allowed to spread and fester in the US until regular citizens start taking matters into their own hands. And, of course, any community that tries to defend itself against looting and destruction will be accused of “racist aggression” – At which time the Biden Administration will then try to assert the authority to institute martial law measures in various regions. This combined with renewed attempts at covid lockdowns is a highly likely scenario.

Cyber Polygon

Just as the Event 201 simulation of a coronavirus pandemic preceded the real thing by only two months, there are concerns that the next World Economic Forum simulation event will also be a precursor to another crisis.

Cyber Polygon is a war game being held by the WEF this July which is meant to simulate a major cyber attack on the global supply chain and the economic system. There has been endless discussion in the media the past year building up fears of cyber attacks by Russia, China, Iran and even North Korea.

In terms of supply chain threats, I’m not sure exactly how a cyber attack could do much to disrupt global shipping, unless we are talking about another blockage in a major shipping route like the Suez Canal. But, a successful attack on stock exchanges in places like Wall Street could be devastating. I suggest watching this event carefully as it may be designed to precede a real cyber attack sometime this year.

Read the entire article HERE.

The Media Lied Repeatedly About Officer Brian Sicknick’s Death. And They Just Got Caught

By Glenn Greenwald

Just as with the Russia Bounty debacle, they will never acknowledge what they did. Their audience wants to be lied to for partisan gain and emotional pleasure.

It was crucial for liberal sectors of the media to invent and disseminate a harrowing lie about how Officer Brian Sicknick died. That is because he is the only one they could claim was killed by pro-Trump protesters at the January 6 riot at the Capitol.

So The New York Times on January 8 published an emotionally gut-wrenching but complete fiction that never had any evidence — that Officer Sicknick’s skull was savagely bashed in with a fire extinguisher by a pro-Trump mob until he died — and, just like the now-discredited Russian bounty story also unveiled by that same paper, cable outlets and other media platforms repeated this lie over and over in the most emotionally manipulative way possible. Just watch a part of what they did and how:

As I detailed over and over when examining this story, there were so many reasons to doubt this storyline from the start. Nobody on the record claimed it happened. The autopsy found no blunt trauma to the head. Sicknick’s own family kept urging the press to stop spreading this story because he called them the night of January 6 and told them he was fine — obviously inconsistent with the media’s claim that he died by having his skull bashed in — and his own mother kept saying that she believed he died of a stroke.

But the gruesome story of Sicknick’s “murder” was too valuable to allow any questioning. It was weaponized over and over to depict the pro-Trump mob not as just violent but barbaric and murderous, because if Sicknick weren’t murdered by them, then nobody was (without Sicknick, the only ones killed were four pro-Trump supporters: two who died of a heart attack, one from an amphetamine overdose, and the other, Ashli Babbitt, who was shot point blank in the neck by Capitol Police despite being unarmed). So crucial was this fairy tale about Sicknick that it made its way into the official record of President Trump’s impeachment trial in the Senate, and they had Joe Biden himself recite from the script, even as clear facts mounted proving it was untrue.

ecause of its centrality to the media narrative and agenda, anyone who tried to point out the serious factual deficiencies in this story — in other words, people trying to be journalists — were smeared by Democratic Party loyalists who pretend to be journalists as “Sicknick Truthers,” white nationalist sympathizers, and supporters of insurrection.

For the crime of trying to determine the factual truth of what happened, my character was constantly impugned by these propagandistic worms, as was anyone else’s who tried to tell the truth about Sicknick’s tragic death. Because one of the first people to highlight the journalistic truth here was former Trump official Darren Beattie of Revolver News and one of the few people on television willing to host doubts about the official story was Tucker Carlsonany doubts about the false Sicknick story — no matter how well-grounded in truth, facts, reason and evidence — were cast as fascism and white supremacy, and those raising questions smeared as “truthers”: the usual dreary liberal insults for trying to coerce people into submitting to their lies:

Read the entire article HERE.

Democrats led by a whole Squad of ghoulish opportunists

Via The Washington Times

There is a special breed of sewer rat in Washington who is willing to exploit any human catastrophe for personal political gain.

Sadly, these vermin are no longer the rare exceptions in the Democrat Party; today, they are the face of the Democrat Party.

Minnesota police pull over a 20-year-old for expired car registration and the driver winds up dead after a cop shoots him in a struggle — an unspeakable tragedy to be sure. But leave it to sick politicians in Washington to exploit the tragedy for their own twisted benefit.

“This violence is a basic part of police interactions with communities of color,” claimed Rep. Ilhan Omar, a Democrat congresswoman from Minnesota.


Daunte Wright was killed because he was Black? And killing him was “a basic part” of policing in Minnesota?

Does Ms. Omar know something about her state that she is not telling the rest of us? That is a pretty incendiary claim. And what does it say about a murderously racist state that it would also elect someone like Ilhan Omar as a representative in Washington?

And, as one of the single most powerful figures in the state of Minnesota, how much blood is on Ms. Omar’s racist hands?

Not to be outdone, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York had to get in on the shameless exploitation of Black voters.

“Daunte Wright’s killing was not a random, disconnected ‘accident’ — it was the repeated outcome of an indefensible system that grants impunity for state violence, rewards it w/ endlessly growing budgets” and blah, blah, blah, blah.

Again, serious charges from someone who seems to have some kind of inside knowledge. How much blood is on her hands? Or is this just another one of her crazy conspiracy theories for which there is absolutely zero evidence?

Anyway, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez, “impunity for state violence”? What part of “impunity” includes charging Officer Kim Potter, a 26-year veteran of the force, with manslaughter?

What part of “impunity” includes charging Derek Chauvin with murder in the death of George Floyd, whose autopsy found enough fentanyl in his system to kill him three times over?

This is not “impunity,” Ms. Ocasio-Cortez. This would be the exact opposite of “impunity.” Look it up in the dictionary.

Perhaps her shaky grasp of English is no better than her poor grasp of Spanish, which led her to claim that border agents in the Trump administration were forcing migrants from Mexico to drink out of toilets.


When it comes to exploiting Black voters and tossing Molotov cocktails in family neighborhoods these political parasites are forever in a race to the bottom.

Read the entire article HERE.

‘The Squad’ Pushes To ‘Defund The Police’ While Spending Thousands On Private Security To Protect Themselves

Via The Daily Caller

embers of the progressive-Democrat group in Congress called “the squad” who have been pushing to defund the police, spent thousands of dollars on private security for themselves, according to Federal Election Commission (FEC) records reviewed by the Daily Caller.

FEC reports show Democrats New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar, Massachusetts Rep. Ayanna Pressley and Missouri Rep. Cori Bush each spent thousands of dollars on their own security. The payments were described in the FEC filings as either “security” or “security services.”

In Jan. 2020, Ocasio-Cortez criticized New York City’s proposed $1 billion cuts from the police department budget, saying it did not go far enough.

“Defunding police means defunding police,” Ocasio-Cortez said in a statement. “It does not mean budget tricks or funny math. It does not mean moving school police officers from the NYPD budget to the Department of Education’s budget so the exact same police remain in schools.”

During a June 2020 Instagram live, Ocasio-Cortez said America would look like a suburb if the police lost funding across the country.

“Affluent white communities already live in a world where they choose to fund youth, health, housing etc more than they fund police,” Ocasio-Cortez said.

  • In January, February, and March of 2021, Ocasio-Cortez spent $3,000 per month on a security consultant based out of Brooklyn, New York. Records show she spent a total of $9,000 for 3 months of security consulting from this one company.
  • On Jan. 25, 2021, Ocasio-Cortez spent $24,279.13 on “security.”
  • On Jan. 19, 2021, she spent $3,986.60 on “security services.”
  • On Feb. 2., Ocasio-Cortez spent $849.22 on “security services.”
  • On Feb. 25, Ocasio-Cortez spent $1552.50 at 24 & 7 Security & Investigation, Inc., which her office said was for a “security detail in Houston.”

Omar, who also supports defunding the police, spent $3,103.61 on her own security in her state of Minnesota, according to her April Quarterly 2021 financial report:

  • On Jan. 20, 2021, Omar spent $66.97 on “Security Services.”
  • On Jan. 29, 2021, Ilhan Omar spent $202.70 on Security “Services.”
  • On Feb. 19, 2021, Ilhan Omar spent $66.97 on “Security Services.”
  • On Feb. 26, 2021, Omar spent $2,700 on “Security Services.”
  • On March 16, 2021, Ilhan Omar spent $66.97 on “Security Services.”

In a June 2020 appearance on CNN, when Omar was asked about defunding the police she said the system could not be reformed.

“You can’t really reform a department that is rotten to the root. What you can do is rebuild,” Omar said. “No one is saying crimes will not be investigated.”

“What we are saying is the current infrastructure that exists as policing in our city should not exist anymore, and we can’t go about creating a different process with the same infrastructure in place,” she said.

Read the entire article HERE.

Report: Landlord Ayanna Pressley Allegedly Raked In The Dough While Calling For Rent Cancellation

Via The Daily Wire

Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), a member of “The Squad,” appears to have collected income from various rental properties at the same time she urged her congressional colleagues to cancel Americans’ rent.

According to The Washington Free Beacon, Pressley purchased a home in Boston for $658,000 in 2019 before using it as a rental property. The property records The Free Beacon obtained show multiple rental listings for the home. It was initially listed at $2,500/month on June 11, dropped to $2,400/month on July 2, and dropped again to $2,300 on July 30th. On August 14, the listing was removed at the $2,300/month mark. It is presumed she began renting the unit for $2,300/month around August or September of 2019.

Based on the records, the couple made as much as $15,000 in rental income in 2019, The Free Beacon reported.

The congresswoman and her husband allegedly refinanced the house one year later, in August of 2020, in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. The refinance required Pressley and her husband to obtain rent loss insurance, which covers a landlord for the loss of rental income in the event that the property cannot be rented.

Interestingly enough, while Pressley was allegedly collecting rental income, she was pushing an effort to cancel rent for Americans across the nation. This push was in addition to co-sponsoring the Rent and Mortgage Cancellation Act alongside “Squad” members, Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Ilhan Omar (D-MN).

Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), a member of “The Squad,” appears to have collected income from various rental properties at the same time she urged her congressional colleagues to cancel Americans’ rent.

According to The Washington Free Beacon, Pressley purchased a home in Boston for $658,000 in 2019 before using it as a rental property. The property records The Free Beacon obtained show multiple rental listings for the home. It was initially listed at $2,500/month on June 11, dropped to $2,400/month on July 2, and dropped again to $2,300 on July 30th. On August 14, the listing was removed at the $2,300/month mark. It is presumed she began renting the unit for $2,300/month around August or September of 2019.

Based on the records, the couple made as much as $15,000 in rental income in 2019, The Free Beacon reported.

The congresswoman and her husband allegedly refinanced the house one year later, in August of 2020, in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. The refinance required Pressley and her husband to obtain rent loss insurance, which covers a landlord for the loss of rental income in the event that the property cannot be rented.

Interestingly enough, while Pressley was allegedly collecting rental income, she was pushing an effort to cancel rent for Americans across the nation. This push was in addition to co-sponsoring the Rent and Mortgage Cancellation Act alongside “Squad” members, Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Ilhan Omar (D-MN).

Read the entire article HERE.

In New Dr. Seuss Book, Cat In The Hat Gives Kids Puberty Blockers While Their Mother Isn’t Home

Via The Babylon Bee

NEW YORK, NY—Things have changed quite a bit in the world of Dr. Seuss, as six of his works have been pulled from publication, banned from sale on eBay, and eliminated from people’s minds using lobotomies to help fight the threat of racism. To get with the times, though, a new Dr. Seuss book has been released, called The Cat in the Hat (He/Him).

“In this new book, using reworked art from Dr. Seuss,” said a letter from Dr. Seuss’s estate, “the Cat in the Hat once again finds the two children home alone and bored. This time he diagnoses their malaise as gender dysphoria and proceeds to give the children puberty blockers.”

An excerpt from the book reads:

“I have some new drugs,”
said the cat in the hat.
“A lot of good drugs!
I’ll inject them in you.
Your mother will not mind at all if I do.”

The children learn a lesson in intolerance, too, as their goldfish ignorantly tries to stop them from taking the drugs, warning them of permanent side effects. The goldfish is then killed and flushed down a toilet.

Numerous drag queens will be deployed to libraries across the country to perform free readings of the book to children.

Check out all of the Bee’s takes on a world gone mad HERE.

Be sure to stop by at Def-Con News to get our morning started off right.