Liberal Media Helps Sell Biden’s Lie That Most Gun Owners Support Gun Control

During his address to 12 members of Congress last week, illegitimate presidnet Joe Biden repeated his often-told lie that the vast majority of gun owners support his unconstitutional gun control agenda. There is absolutely no basis for this claim other than Joe made it up. The liberal media however is under contractual obligation to promote the democratic party’s garbage so instead of fact-checking this easily disproven lie, they are helping Joe sell it.

At a who-gives-a-shit event featuring SCOTUS wannabe Merrick Garland a couple weeks ago, Biden barfed up this lie:

“The folks who own weapons, the folks who own guns, they support universal background checks. The majority of them think we should not be selling assault weapons,” Biden said.

Then during is pseudo address to the joint session of Congress, he regurgitated the lie:

“Talk to most responsible gun owners, most hunters – they’ll tell you there’s no possible justification for having 100 rounds – 100 bullets – in a weapon. They will tell you that there are too many people today who are able to buy a gun, but who shouldn’t be able to. These kinds of reasonable reforms have the overwhelming support of the American people – including many gun owners,” Biden said.

Again, there is not one single poll or any kind of proof that says most gun owners support gun control. Thankfully for Joe, the fake news industry has his back.

Here’s a headline from Yahoo! News:

Meet the gun owners who support (some) gun control

The liberal media relies on people not actually reading their articles and simply reacting emotionally to the headlines. Here, they want you to believe that gun owners really do support gun control. I’m one of those weirdoes that actually clicks links and reads things so I have discovered that the headline is very misleading.

Yahoo! News promises to introduce us to a bunch of gun owners who support gun control but there are only 3 people cited in the article and none of them actually say they are in favor of Biden’s anti-2nd Amendment agenda.

First is this guy:

George Cook had never thought much about guns until about four years ago. Then he grew older and got married, and felt like he had a lot more to protect.

So he bought a handgun. And last year, at the height of social justice protests and scattered violence, he bought an AR-15.

Far from being in favor of Biden’s gun bans and confiscation, this is what was written about his gun control support:

Like other suburban gun owners, Mr. Cook says he is open to at least some regulation, particularly those focused on gun safety.

Next is this dude:

Dan Gross has long understood that paradox. His brother was shot in the head and permanently disabled in a mass shooting at the Empire State Building in 1997. The former head of the Brady Campaign has worked for years to enact stronger gun laws, but always, he says, with a sense of empathy for law-abiding gun owners.

So a guy who used to lead one of the biggest anti-gun organizations in the country is a gun owner who supports gun control? Wow, just wow.

It gets dumber because this anti-gun nut doesn’t even believe in Biden’s gun control agenda:

He has criticized President Joe Biden for calling for an assault weapons ban, given that it only riles up Second Amendment supporters and, more importantly, fails to acknowledge that assault rifles are rarely used in homicides. Just 1% of gun-related deaths are “active shooter” situations, compared with 30% that are homicides.

Finally they give us this leftist lunatic:

Mr. Kelman grew up in a progressive Massachusetts home, the son of two mothers. He had no idea people could even own guns until he was in middle school. But after college, he started shooting for sport – and developed a sharp eye.

As a Jewish man whose wife is Chinese American, he is keenly aware of racial discrimination in the U.S., and the potential for that to turn into violence. So, he carries a gun for self-defense.

And this last guy doesn’t actually believe in gun control at all:

Instead of lining up his views ideologically, Mr. Kelman prefers to approach the issue as a cost-benefit analysis. Gun control laws have the potential to save lives, but also come at the cost of personal freedom.

“If you’re going to have an armed society, you almost need to have a ubiquitously armed society,” he says.

If you are keeping score at home, after promising us a bunch of gun owners who support gun control, they gave us one suburban goofball who may or may not support minor safety regulations, an anti-gun activist who is opposed to assault weapons bans, and a lefty kook who thinks everyone should be armed.

This is fake news at its finest and shows the lengths the liberal media will go to protect Joe Biden and the democratic party.