And the actual cost of Joe Biden’s American Jobs Plan is……

Per the NY Post Editorial Board, a former treasury official and budget expert has looked at the numbers on Biden’s American Jobs Plan and it’s not at all what Biden is claiming. This from

Biden is using accounting gimmicks to make his proposed spending “look smaller” and tax revenue “larger,” cautions ex-Treasury official Bruce Thompson at the Washington Examiner.

The actual cost of his American Jobs Plan over 10 years is “at least $3.5 trillion,” not the advertised $2 trillion; its revenue, after tax hikes, $1.7 trillion. So “only about half” the spending is paid for.

In all, “the real projected cost of the three Biden spending plans is at least $7.2 trillion” over 10 years, less than half covered by tax hikes. And that doesn’t include interest on the higher deficits, likely “hundreds of billions” more.

And some experts estimate that Biden’s proposal is worse than what this former treasury official has calculated.

Biden just deployed another gimmick, saying today that anyone making under 400k a year won’t pay a single penny in taxes:

Is this just another Joementia blunder? Sure it is, although notably math is not his strong suit. But “come on, man…Rub the hair on my legs.”

It’s a damn shame there are so few in America who are actually calling Biden out on this craziness. Angry democrats, RINOs, and a complicit press are all aligned against us.

But America still has President Trump and he has his 85 million voters. And this number is definitely growing with the disgust level rising amongst the kool-aid drinkers who are finally coming to their senses.

Final note: America has a word for the Biden blunders? It’s ‘Bidenism.’ And it’s in Urban Dictionary:

Bidenism: A word to describe the many gaffes of Joe Biden.