After Paying People To Stay Home, Biden Says He’s Going To Make People Work

When the democrats rammed through Joe Biden’s “American Rescue Plan” they basically paid people to stay home and not go back to work. When the pathetic April jobs numbers came out, it became clear that the illegitimate president’s plan was successful as hardly any new jobs were created. Now Biden is saying that he’s going to force people back to work after saying there’s no evidence that he has been paying people not to work.

Biden’s gazillion dollar “rescue” plan extended unemployment benefits, including an extra $300 though September. As the COVID-19 pandemic is winding down, many employers, especially restaurants, are having a hard time finding workers because people make more money not working.

Republicans, and no one from the liberal media, pointed out that the bad April jobs numbers were a direct result of Biden paying people not to work. Biden responded Monday with this brief chat on the economy:

“I know there’s been a lot of discussion since Friday’s report that people are being paid to stay home rather than go to work. Well, we don’t see much evidence of that,” said Biden.

And yet, right before that, Biden made this proclamation:

“We’re going to make it clear that anyone collecting unemployment, who’s offered a suitable job, must take the job or lose their unemployment benefits,” Biden said.

If he’s seen no evidence that he paid people to stay home, why is he now forcing people to go back to work? The answer is, because he has seen evidence that he paid people to not work and he’s trying to cover his monumental blunder.

“I think the people who claim Americans won’t work even if they find a good and fair opportunity underestimate the American people,” said Biden.

Literally nobody as said that Americans are refusing to work a good job because of enhanced unemployment benefits. They’re saying that people with low paying shitty jobs are refusing to work because they make more money with enhanced unemployment benefits. The only underestimating going on here is from Joe Biden underestimating the intelligence of Americans.

While it looked like Biden was going to crack down on bogus unemployemnet claims, he really isn’t:

“We’ll insist that the law is followed with respect to benefits but we’re not going to turn our backs on our fellow Americans,” said Biden.

Biden then threw it all on the employers with this insane liberal logic:

“We need employers to step up in a couple of ways. First, we need ’em to get help to their people, get them vaccinated. Two weeks ago I announced that we would provide a tax credit for employers if they give workers paid time off to get a shot and recover from the effects of the side of effects if there are any,” said Biden.

So employers have to step up to give paid time off to their workers who are sitting at home collecting unemployment benefits instead of working? How the f*ck does that work?

Finally, Biden acknowledged that he is paying people to stay home in this complete lack of self-awareness:

“People will come back to work if they are paid a decent wage,” Biden said.

In other words, people are not working because they make more money collecting enhanced unemployment benefits.

Biden is paying people to stay home and he knows it. What’s more, is this was by design. Part of the democrats strategy in COVID-19 relief is to create an utter dependence on the federal government, which in turn will give the government complete control over people’s lives.