Not Looking Good for Dems: Americans Deliver Brutally Honest Rejection of Kamala Harris

Turns out even with nearly all the media spinning stories in her favor, Kamala Harris is still not liked by a majority of Americans. This from No surprise here, though. Dislikeability and incompetence are easy to discern.

Glenn Greenwald pointed to a pretty cutting poll that’s out on Harris.

The Economist/YouGov poll found that 48% to 41% had an unfavorable view of her. Favorability numbers were uncomfortably low.

While the poll was split along party lines, with Democrats having a 74 % favorable versus 19% unfavorable, and Republicans 84 % unfavorable versus 12 % favorable, it was the independent opinion of Harris that showing an unfavorable opinion of her, 57% to 32%.

That means 1 in 5 democrats polled deemed her unfavorable, as did nearly 3 in 5 independents, as the Washington Examiner observed.

Naturally, a reporter came running to her defense, blaming racism and misogyny by Republicans.

Except there’s a few problems with this, besides being tired and wrong.

It’s the Independents who are bringing down the approval, ultimately. Conservatives would be all in for a black, conservative woman, and there are at least a few to choose from.

So, maybe it could just be Kamala’s ideology that’s the problem?

Do ya think? What about her lack of experience or her obvious inability to do the job she’s been thrust into, her fake opportunistic demeanor which is manifested in her recurring flip flopping, her inappropriate laughing cackle that’s a tell whenever she doesn’t want to answer a question and which likely is a symptom of a more deep-seated social disorder, her playing of the ‘race’ card when it benefits her to do so, and her unsavory history–you know, the sex-for-advancement issue.

Also, she’s nearly as bad as Hillary Clinton when it comes to her inability to demonstrate authenticity. She’s simply not believable and hence not likeable. In California she was able to get away with her antagonistic behavior but she’s not national prime-time material.

As we saw in the primary, she couldn’t even get democrat votes, she was so unpopular. She had to drop out early. And she wasn’t popular with black voters then either.

So, Jordan Blum, contrary to your sycophantic, drank-the-kool-aid response, nothing has changed.

Why? In part because she got destroyed over her record. Remember this moment with Tulsi Gabbard?

Since she’s gotten in, the only thing that she’s done is be assigned by Joe Biden to deal with the border and that’s only gotten worse, with media reporting about how she’s failed to go to the border; and she’s blamed it in part on the lack of climate adaptation,” rather than accepting responsibility for the impact of their own words for the problem. So, that hasn’t exactly burnished up anyone’s opinion of her.

The real take-away from this poll should be who the heck are the 12% of Republicans who are favorable toward Kamala?

Just for comparison, at this point in 2017, Mike Pence was getting attacked regularly in the media, unlike Harris. Yet he had a 42.7% approval rating versus 41.4% disapproval.

This is not a good look for the democrats, particularly if Joe Biden succumbs to his apparent mental complications and Harris is supposed to step up and fill his shoes. President Trump you are missed, sir.