Racist Chicago Mayor Says She Will Start Holding Interviews – But Only With Black or Brown Journalists

Why do people keep voting for these knuckleheads? The ‘D’ behind their names should be the first clue they’re bringing to the job corruption, racism, hatred, ineptitude, etc., etc. This from thegatewaypundit.com.

Chicago Mayor says she will start holding 1-on-1 interviews with reporters — but only if they’re black or brown.

Well, here’s my response: I will no longer allow any regard, any thought, any consideration to being called ‘racist’ by people who are “black or brown.” This is my intent, not because I affirm racism, rather because odds are the blacks or browns using the word ‘racist’ are in fact coming from a position of racism, and therefore are unqualified to judge anyone on the topic.

Lightfoot selecting anyone to perform anything based on race is, in fact, the definition of racism.

NBC 5 Chicago political reporter Mary Ann Ahern tweeted on Tuesday:

As homicides soar in Chicago the mayor is focused on discriminating against white reporters.


Is our “blended” nation beyond fixing? This isn’t meant to be a loaded question, although it most certainly does contain much emotion and it probably is too heavy for anyone to hold very long at all. Perhaps more to the point is the question, Will America ever recover from the Obama years? Two full terms of American destruction and now another 100-plus days of intense destruction and it’s tearing our nation apart.