She’s Baaack: Stormy Daniels Returns To CNN To Boost Sagging Ratings

Pure desperation…

With ratings in freefall, CNN is hoping to generate a little bit of that old Trump magic by bringing back one of the network’s regular guests from the days when the Trump Derangement Syndrome was at its height.

On Monday, the self-proclaimed “most trusted name in news” featured an interview with Stormy Daniels, the adult film “actress” and stripper whose fling with the then billionaire businessman was used by his political enemies as another legal bludgeon and who was a fixture on the network in 2018.

Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford is looking for renewed relevance after the Supreme Court rejected her efforts to revive a lawsuit that the former president defamed her on Twitter that was thrown out by an appeals court.

During her chat with CNN’s “New Day” the faded star of such immortal classics as Camp Cuddly Pines Powertool Massacre, Porking With Pride 2, Pussy Sweat and Young & Anal divulged that she is itching to get in on the action of the latest phase of the witch hunt, a politically motivated investigation of Trump’s business dealings by Manhattan prosecutors.

When asked whether she had been called to testify to the Manhattan grand jury that has been convened Daniels said; “I have not been called to testify yet but I’ve been very forthcoming since the beginning of all this and I would love nothing more than my day in court and to give a deposition and to provide whatever evidence that they need from me.”

She continued, “I mean I have all the original forms and emails and wire transcripts and all of that stuff but I’m happy to turn it over to anyone who needs it,” said Daniels.

Hit with the follow-up question on what contact she has had with investigators, she replied; “I know that my attorney, Clark Brewster, has been in contact with them and very forthcoming with my willingness to participate.”

“I’ve had meetings with them about other issues, I’ve given depositions willingly about other cases involved and we honestly thought that we thought that the Supreme Court was going to step up and do the right thing,” Daniels lamented on the nation’s highest court’s reluctance to take up her appeal.

Daniels also fed the ongoing Russian collusion delusion that like an addiction to drugs, the left just can’t kick; “I would tell them everything I know,” She said. “ I would tell them I was approached, I would tell them I have evidence that the money came from an account set up at the direction of Donald Trump, I would tell them that money was traced back to Russian funds, I would give them copies of the bank wires and all of the transcripts for that, and I think that anybody should be really terrified that a normal citizen can take the fall for somebody in power.”

Stormy has run into tough times since 2018 when in addition to being a CNN regular, she also appeared on the late-night TV circuit including stops at NBC flagship Saturday Night Live and the Jimmy Kimmel show where she yukked it up with the host and claimed that Trump’s male member looked like a mushroom.

Another traveler from the days of peak Trump hate, cheese-eating rat attorney Micheal Cohen is waiting in the wings to be brought back by CNN; could creepy porn lawyer Michael Avenatti be far behind?

CNN’s ongoing fixation with Daniels sends a terrible message to impressional young girls and women that being an “actress” in adult films is cool and glamorous and that one day they too could be like Stormy, this despite the devastating effects on those who have had their lives ruined by the industry.

But CNN desperately needs to start drawing viewers again and sleazy sex and lies about Trump have been a proven formula so who best to turn to than Stormy Daniels?