Former Vice President Mike Pence failed this nation. He defied his oath of office and very likely participated in the coverup of massive, widespread voter fraud, if not the voter fraud itself.
His milquetoast demeanor was supposed to be a strong counterbalance to the tornado of a personality held by his former boss, but within that demeanor the weakness that many feared came fully to bear when he had a chance to correct the 2020 election and failed to do so. This from

Click HERE to view short clip of Mike Pence being heckled.
No one has forgotten that Pence was weak at best and complicit at worst in the greatest fraud this nation has ever experienced.
At the Faith and Freedom Conference, Pence was met with a lukewarm welcome at first that escalated to full-fledged heckling in just a few seconds. Multiple members of the crowd screamed “traitor” at him, and while the more genteel members of the crowd tried to drown it out, the message was sent.
Missy Crane on Wayne Dupree had some harsh thoughts of her own:
And much of their ire is targeted at Mike Pence, who had an opportunity to do the right thing and save the United States but refused to do so. Now, he thinks that he can just saunter back in, and because he has an “R” before his name, all is forgiven and we’ll treat him like a “good guy.”
Pence has tried in recent weeks to repair his image and not back down by admitting he made a mistake. Nevertheless, he did, which is why his statements about not seeing “eye to eye” during a Hillsborough County Republican Committee event in New Hampshire have been severely criticized.
“I don’t know if we’ll ever see eye to eye on that day,” he said. “January 6th was a dark day in the history of the United States Capitol. But thanks to the swift action of the Capitol Police and federal law enforcement, violence was quelled, the Capitol was secured.
“And that same day, we reconvened the Congress and did our duty under the Constitution and the laws of United States. (…) You know, President Trump and I have spoken many times since we left office. And I don’t know if we’ll ever see eye to eye on that day. But I will always be proud of what we accomplished for the American people over the last four years.
“And I will not allow Democrats or their allies in the media to use one tragic day to discredit the aspirations of millions of Americans.”
It will take more than pleasantries and the “ah shucks” attitude he exemplifies for Mike Pence to get back into Republican politics. He will need to atone for the sins he committed against this nation first.
NEVER. This asshat, I believe, will never be allowed “back into Republican politics.” He may try, but as he tries to disregard what he did, conservative patriot Americans will remember Mike Pence as the traitor he is.
In my opinion, Mike Pence has replaced Benedict Arnold as the name synonymous for Americans with traitorous actions. In all actuality, the bastard single-handedly brought about the negative change for the lives of tens of millions of Americans. He seriously should go crawl in a hole and hide. And that is merely an opinion or perhaps sound advice, not a threat.
Pence will be more than heckled as he travels to most neighborhoods throughout America talking his crap. Benedict Arnold did not fare well after his treachery. And I predict Mike Pence’s life will be equally uncomfortable. I also foresee the rationale behind his treachery being disclosed and the news bringing him much emotional discomfort.