Thursday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Served up piping hot, just for you.

One Nation Under Greed: The Profit Incentives Driving the American Police State

By John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead

If there is an absolute maxim by which the American government seems to operate, it is that the taxpayer always gets ripped off.

Not only are Americans forced to “spend more on state, municipal, and federal taxes than the annual financial burdens of food, clothing, and housing combined,” but we’re also being played as easy marks by hustlers bearing the imprimatur of the government.

With every new tax, fine, fee and law adopted by our so-called representatives, the yoke around the neck of the average American seems to tighten just a little bit more.

Everywhere you go, everything you do, and every which way you look, we’re getting swindled, cheated, conned, robbed, raided, pickpocketed, mugged, deceived, defrauded, double-crossed and fleeced by governmental and corporate shareholders of the American police state out to make a profit at taxpayer expense.

The overt and costly signs of the despotism exercised by the increasingly authoritarian regime that passes itself off as the United States government are all around us: warrantless surveillance of Americans’ private phone and email conversations by the FBI, NSA, etc.; SWAT team raids of Americans’ homes; shootings of unarmed citizens by police; harsh punishments meted out to schoolchildren in the name of zero tolerance; drones taking to the skies domestically; endless wars; out-of-control spending; militarized police; roadside strip searches; privatized prisons with a profit incentive for jailing Americans; fusion centers that collect and disseminate data on Americans’ private transactions; and militarized agencies with stockpiles of ammunition, to name some of the most appalling.

Meanwhile, the three branches of government (Executive, Legislative and Judicial) and the agencies under their command—Defense, Commerce, Education, Homeland Security, Justice, Treasury, etc.—have switched their allegiance to the Corporate State with its unassailable pursuit of profit at all costs and by any means possible.

By the time you factor in the financial blowback from the COVID-19 pandemic with its politicized mandates, lockdowns, and payouts, it becomes quickly apparent that we are now ruled by a government consumed with squeezing every last penny out of the population and seemingly unconcerned if essential freedoms are trampled in the process.

As with most things, if you want to know the real motives behind any government program, follow the money trail.

When you dig down far enough, you quickly find that those who profit from Americans being surveilled, fined, scanned, searched, probed, tasered, arrested and imprisoned are none other than the police who arrest them, the courts which try them, the prisons which incarcerate them, and the corporations, which manufacture the weapons, equipment and prisons used by the American police state.

Examples of this legalized, profits-over-people, government-sanctioned extortion abound. MORE.

Juneteenth: George Floyd’s Critical Race Holiday

Via American Greatness

Juneteenth is an enormous win for the racism industrial complex.

If we could somehow strip away the dubious political context in which it was birthed, Juneteenth might indeed be worthy of national commemoration.

Slavery, while obviously not in any way unique to the United States, (it was practiced in generally far more hideous forms in the Caribbean and the Middle East, to say nothing of Africa, where it continues in many parts of that continent to this day), nonetheless represents a crime against human dignity and a stain on American history. The end of American slavery, consequently, should be celebrated.

But we cannot wish away politics from the inherently political task of choosing a national holiday. And therefore, it is impossible now to see Juneteenth in anything other than the political context in which it arose from obscurity (and don’t buy the media disinformation—until a few years ago, it was an obscure holiday, as we’ll see).

Juneteenth’s emergence as an official national holiday is the result, not of a desire for unification and celebration, but of the same cynical racial division that has brought us Black Lives Matter, critical race theory, proposed shakedowns in the guise of reparations, and a host of other ills. The promotion of Juneteenth from a largely regional and informal celebration to a sacred national holiday undermines American national and racial unity—it does not encourage it. And that is the precise intention of those who foisted it on America.

It is not a coincidence that the holiday is being referred to as the “Juneteenth National Independence Day” taking place in such close proximity to America’s actual Independence Day on July 4. This makes perfect sense in the context of the Left’s incessant desire to erase America’s history—as was the aim of the cynical “1619 Project”—and replace it with a litany of attacks on America’s founding and the descendants of those who accomplished it.

The name itself is a blatant piece of historical revisionism. More than 330 million Americans of all races and backgrounds enjoy the fruit of our independence from Great Britain. That is why we all celebrate 1776 as a unifying national event.

The abolition of slavery was a great moment for America, but it was not a refounding of the country. Juneteenth didn’t even end all slavery in the United States—that was not accomplished until the end of 1865 in two Southern border states that had stayed in the Union. The use of “independence” can only be seen in the context of the desire of the radical Left to erase America’s early history and actual independence struggle and to redefine American history solely in terms of systemic racism and racial grievance.

The emergence of Juneteenth from obscurity to become a national holiday is the culmination of the florid moral panic, in the wake of the death at the hands of police, of high-on-drugs, arrest-resisting, violent felon George Floyd, to whom the Left demands against all sanity that we pay homage as some sort of civil rights hero.

Passed almost immediately through Congress with scarcely any official opposition or debate, the failure to prevent the addition of an official holiday to foment racial grievance to the calendar stands as a singular display of cowardice and impotence by virtually all GOP members of Congress, who are clearly too scared of being called racists by the Left to stand up even against something that obviously will be used every year from now on for racial grievance-mongering.

The Left is engaged in a blatant bait-and-switch, using the entirely worthy exoteric meaning of the day as a source of moral and material blackmail. You don’t object to celebrating the end of slavery, do you, bigot? MORE.

Kamala Harris Trains Activists To Pressure People Into Getting Vaccinated

Via Zero Hedge

That person knocking at your door will tell you President Biden sent him to tell you the COVID vaccine is safe and effective. The person at the door may be the same Democratic operative who drove you to vote last year. Now he will tell you that Vice President Kamala Harris said it’s your patriotic duty to get vaccinated. The feds sending people door-to-door to pressure the unvaccinated is a massive invasion of privacy and heavy-handed tactics that is a door step too far.

Biden tasked Harris to do the “We Can Do This National Vaccination Tour” to attempt to reach millions of Americans to “encourage vaccinations, and energize and mobilize grassroots vaccine education and outreach efforts.” The real reason for all this is that they are fixated on achieving the political goal to vaccinate 70 percent of Americans by the 4th of July. They no longer talk medicine or science. This is about winning.

The groups of allegedly volunteers for the government (such a strange concept) are activated through community organizers. Harris revealed new information this week about how the groups are coordinated by the government for the door-to-door vaccine campaign.

In Atlanta on Friday, she went so far as to say aloud the actual script the door knockers should use to persuade people to get vaccinated. Like the skilled prosecutor that she is, Haris provided arguments against any possible excuse for not getting vaccinated.

“If you knock on the door and someone says they don’t have the time to get the vaccine — because people are busy. They’re trying to just make it through the day. Or they say that pharmacies are never open when they do have time, well, let’s address that.  Because now, you can let them know that pharmacies across our country are keeping their doors open for 24 hours on Fridays in June, including today. 

What if they say they can’t miss work?  Well, you can tell them that there are employers across the country who are offering paid time off for their employees to get vaccinated.

Other folks who need time to recover after they get the shot, right? And may need a little moment where they need some help with their kids.  So we have partnered with the YMCA, with KinderCare, and the Learning Care Group to provide free childcare for both vaccination and recovery. 

You might run across people as you’re out talking and knocking, folks might say, “I don’t have a car” or “there’s no public transportation or bus that comes by my house.”  And that’s fair, because how can we expect them to get to a vaccination site? Well, now, as part of the solution, rideshare companies are giving free rides to and from vaccination centers.”

After the list of nanny state options to get people to take off work, leave their kids and get an free Uber ride for one shot in the arm, Harris coached the door knockers on how to brush aside the legitimate medical questions from people in their homes.

“Perhaps one of our biggest barrier, it’s the issue of information and, in particular, misinformation.  So we need to deal with that.  And this is why we need you out in the community.  There are people who are uncertain about getting vaccinated.  They may question the safety or the efficacy. Does the vaccine work?  And they may have heard things that aren’t quite true.  And so let’s arm ourselves with the truth to arm them with the truth.  

We can say with confidence the vaccines are safe — they are safe, and they are free, and they are effective. 

And this is important to say — virtually every person who is in the hospital right now sick with COVID-19, where their families are sitting by the bed, holding their hand, almost every one of those persons is unvaccinated.”

There’s nothing like the government standing at your front door and saying you’re going to end up in the hospital if you don’t get a shot to scare people. It’s such irresponsible fear mongering by the vice president. MORE.

Too Many Black Folks Break The Law? Get Rid of The Law!

Via PJ Media

If crime is your game, Portland is your fantasy destination! Riot with impunity! Burn federal buildings and be home in time for dinner! Can’t afford bail? Holla for Kamala!

Bail reform and lenient sentencing just weren’t enough “reparations.” Portland police are no longer pulling people over for expired plates, broken headlights, failing to signal, etc. Why? Because too many black folks are getting pulled over and searched.

“Portland’s police chief and mayor are set to announce Tuesday that city police will no longer be directed to stop motorists for low-level infractions, such as equipment failures or expired plates, to reduce disproportionate stops of people of color.” reports Oregon Live. “The changes also are aimed at curtailing the potential for deadly encounters between police and people of color and allowing police to focus on more serious violations that pose an immediate threat to public safety.” No report on how many “deadly encounters” have occurred between Portland police and black folks pulled over for a bad brake light.

Another Portland Headache

Police Union President Daryl Turner told Fox News on Sunday. “We’re dealing with rioting at a level, and a sustained violence, that we’ve never seen before. We’re looking at violence in our city, gun violence in our city like we’ve never seen before. We’re looking at the most catastrophic staffing levels we’ve ever seen before. We’re looking at budget cuts to defund us like we’ve never seen before,” Turner said.

This comes on the heels of the Portland Riot Police resigning from the Rapid Response Team, (but not from the Portland Police Dept.) and a shocking rise in crime for the 2nd straight year.

“Driving While Black”

Black folks and lefty apologists are CERTAIN black people are pulled over because of their skin color but statistics don’t back that up. From the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) on drivers killed in car crashes,

“Fatally injured African Americans had the highest percentage with prior convictions for speeding and other moving violations.” MORE.

Nellis Air Force Base Hosts First-Ever Drag Queen Show: ‘Essential to the Morale, Readiness’

Via Breitbart

The Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada recently hosted its first-ever drag queen show at one of its on-base dining and entertainment clubs, according a base spokesperson.

Nellis Air Force Base said in an email statement to Breitbart News:

Nellis Air Force Base and the 99th Air Base Wing hosted its first-ever drag show Thursday, June 17, at the Nellis Club. The event was sponsored by a private organization and provided an opportunity for attendees to learn more about the history and significance of drag performance art within the LGBT+ community.

Ensuring our ranks reflect and are inclusive of the American people is essential to the morale, cohesion, and readiness of the military. Nellis Air Force Base is committed to providing and championing an environment that is characterized by equal opportunity, diversity and inclusion.

The drag queen show came to light after Air Force veteran podcaster “BK” posted a digital flyer for the event that read: “DRAG-U-NELLIS” and “CLASS IS IN SESSION.”

“Discover the significance of Drag in the LGBT+ Community at the Nellis Club,” it said.

It was scheduled for Friday, June 17, at 5 p.m. and “Sponsored by the Nellis Top 3.”

The “Top 3” at Nellis Air Force Base is a social and professional organization established to “enhance the morale, esprit de corps, of all enlisted personnel assigned to the Wing and to facilitate cooperation between members of the top three enlisted grades,” according to its private Facebook page.

“The base Top III will provide a forum for its members to meet, share personal experiences and expertise, and assist one another. It may function as an added channel of communication within the chain of command, between the commander, and the enlisted force on Nellis AFB,” it said. MORE.

Be sure to stop by at Def-Con News to get our morning started off right.