Lakota Indian Celebrates 4th of July By Flipping Off Mount Rushmore

A man claiming to be of the Lakota Sioux Indian tribe had a special FU for America on the 4th of July. In a picture with possibly his daughters, the whole family gave Mount Rushmore the bird. According to this Father of the Year candidate, America stole his people’s sacred mountain and can therefore f*ck off. He left out the part how the Lakota stole the mountain from another Indian tribe through a campaign of genocide, but whatever.

This guy seems fun:

As long as we are talking about the genocide of indigenous populations, check the history lesson out from Legends of America:

The fabled Black Hills of South Dakota are an uplifted island of pine-clad mountains rising from the Great Plains. With their impressive pinnacles, mysterious geologic formations, and dense forests, the area provides a number of picturesque views, hiking opportunities, ghost towns, National Parks and state parks, and a wealth of history in this region of stark contrasts.

This small isolated mountain range, formed in the time between the dinosaurs’ extinction and the beginning of the most recent ice age, is marked by Mother Nature’s restless winds, erosion, and volcanic activity. It is the oldest set of Mountains in what is now the United States.

The region has been inhabited by Native Americans for almost 10,000 years. The Arikara arrived in the Black Hills by about 1500 A.D., followed by the Cheyenne, Crow, Kiowa, and Pawnee.

However, when the Lakota arrived in the 18th century, they drove out the other tribes and claimed the land for themselves. The lands soon became sacred to the Lakota Sioux, who called them Paha Sapa, which means “hills that are black.”

So the Lakota killed off the Pawnee and drove them from the Black Hills in the 1700s? That seems a little genocidal, doesn’t it?

Also, for the record, the Sioux Indians signed a treaty with the United States government that gave us South Dakota, so we didn’t even have to do that Lakota-style genocide to get Mount Rushmore.

If this mountain was so sacred to the Lakota Sioux, why did they give it away so easily? Also, how sacred of a mountain could it have been since they only had it for under a hundred years? They could have avoided so much disappointed if they did run around willy nilly declaring everything sacred.

Lastly, if you can’t defend it, it ain’t yours. The Lakota proved this by slaughtering the Pawnee to steal the Black Hills in the first place.

This America-hating hypocrite is part of the “Land Back” movement, which demands the U.S. return all “stolen” lands to the Native Indians. If this were to happen, he and his fellow Lakota wouldn’t end up with the Black Hills because they belonged to at least 4 other tribes before them.