BREAKING: Larry Elder Is Running for Governor of California

The long-time conservative Larry Elder just threw his hat in the ring for governor of California in next year’s Republican primary, which pits him against Caitlyn “Bruce” Jenner, John Cox, the man who lost to Newsom in 2018’s general election, and probably several others.

Below is Elder’s formal announcement, explaining that he originally said ‘hell no’ to the idea of running for governor.

Wow I do love his logo! And honestly, I think this is a Republican primary that he can definitely win.

It’s going to be very difficult for any Republican to win in a state like California in a general election, but we know that people are more fed up than is openly stated and would turn out for a candidate like Elder in the general. Perhaps this is the one candidate that is much better than mere wishful thinking.

And a lively Republican primary could get more people interested and go a long way to helping someone like Elder build momentum.

So we’ll see what happens, but regardless, I’ve got mad respect for Elder for taking up this immense challenge.

What say you Def-Con News readers? Who would you vote for? Elder or Jenner? No offense intended.

Let’s Take Back California