REVOLT! #RonnaMustGo—Jenna Ellis To Leave Republican Party—“I’m Too Ashamed to Be Part of a Party with Ronna McDaniel as Chairwoman” (Video)

On Sunday news broke that the RNC Chief Counsel Justin Riemer and the RNC abandoned Trump way back in November following the stolen election. This from

Riemer was questioning why his Republican party colleagues were supporting President Trump’s allegations of voter fraud.

Again, this was in November! Apparently, the RNC had already moved on. And held no intentions of supporting President Trump and the American people’s investigation of election fraud.

The email was texted to Trump attorney Jenna Ellis who passed it on to Rudy Giuliani and Bernard Kerik.

On Sunday former Trump elections attorney Jenna Ellis tweeted out that the information was true and that the RNC stabbed President Trump and his attorneys in the back and that now the RNC is lying by pretending the accusations are false.

RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel blocked Jenna Ellis on Twitter in response to this tweet.

The Gateway Pundit later spoke with a top Trump campaign insider who said all of this was true and that the GOP folded on Trump within days of the election and abandoned him.

Then they raised over $220 million to help fight. But to this day top Trump campaign officials have no idea where that money went.

On Monday night Jenna Ellis told her viewers on Real America’s Voice that she is leaving the Republican Party as long as liar Ronna McDaniel is in charge as chairwoman.

Jenna was joined by former NYC Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik when she made the announcement.

Jenna Ellis:  “We need to demand that they resign.  And we need to say you’re not getting another dime of our money or our support.  I’m not even going to be registered as a Republican after this because I am too ashamed to be part of a party that still has Ronna McDaniel as the chairwoman!”

Trouble in the Republican Party? Yes. And perhaps my long-held concerns of Ronna McDaniel have been vindicated. A niece of that RINO opportunist Mitt Romney, she, in my estimation, seemed to be of questionable trustworthiness at best.

Also, this may help explain what the hell happened with the Republican party’s seeming initiative to dump Trump. Perhaps a shake-up will do some good. Politics is a terribly dirty business and warrants frequent airing. Hence the wide popularity of the outsider Donald J. Trump.

Hurry back Mr. President, you are missed, sir.