Fleeing Texas Democrat Makes Fun Of Republican With Autism

We were told that making fun of people with disabilities was wrong but, like all rules, there’s a carve-out for democrats. One of the fleeing Texas democrats tried to prove his wit and intellect by making fun of a Republican college with an autism spectrum disorder. Thanks to the democrat hypocrisy waiver, this is perfectly acceptable in a world that would otherwise be outraged.

Gene Wu is one of the Texas State Legislature democrats who fled the state to subvert democracy. Because he’s a democrat, him and all donkey-f*cking cohorts have been celebrated by the liberal media as heroes of democracy. This partisan media hackery emboldened Wu to go after Republican Texas State Rep. Briscoe Cain.

This started out with Wu sending tweet after tweet about the food he was eating in exile. For some reason, Wu used these tweets to taunt Fox News, like anyone gives a shit:

Wu is a petulant child and for the record, that’s not a chicken Caesar said, it’s a piece of grilled chicken with a Caesar salad on the side.

In any case, Wu kept this juvenile behavior going:

To which Briscoe Cain replied:

And Wu lost his shit:

Here’s the thing, Briscoe Cain has Asperger syndrome, which is a form of autism. People with Asperger’s have trouble making eye contact with others and can come off looking a little psychotic.

After getting called out for making fun of the facial expression of a person with Asperger’s, Wu tried to make it seem like he was a champion of equality:

Cain didn’t make fun of Wu’s race, physical appearance, or anything else the democrat can’t control, he simply pointed out that Wu was playing hooky from work and shouldn’t be drawing a paycheck. Wu’s response was to accuse someone with Asperger’s of looking like a serial killer. These two things are not the same.

Also, this is what Gene Wu looks like:

Someone with that face has no business making fun of anyone else’s appearance. He looks like he’s easily distracted by shiny objects and that perhaps his parents were also first cousins.

If a Republican made fun of the appearance of a democrat with an autism spectrum disorder, the liberal media would pitch a shit fit. Then again, if Republicans fled the state to block a piece of legislation, the liberal media would accuse them of destroying democracy. Being a democrat has its privileges.